Tamil Nadu

Goa-Karnataka dispute over Kalasa-Banduri project resolved
Policy matters this week: Tribunal resolves Goa-Karnataka dispute over water project; TN protests Karnataka's water scheme in Cauvery basin; Resolve Delhi-Haryana water dispute: HC to Centre. Posted on 22 Apr, 2014 11:07 PM

Tribunal's order over Kalasa-Banduri Project brings respite to Goa and Karnataka

Mahadayi River in Goa (Source: Wikipedia)
Invitation to the 'Workshop on CSR for Sanitation', Gramalaya & UNICEF-Chennai, Tiruchirappali, Tamil Nadu
Gramalaya & Shanti Ashram with support from UNICEF-Chennai is organising the state-level workshop that will provide more insight and strategies to promote rural sanitation through CSR Initiatives.
Posted on 09 Apr, 2014 04:34 PM

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Workshop on CSR for Sanitation
Water works: Keystone’s interventions in the Nilgiris
Keystone Foundation is best known for its work on issues of indigenous people in the Nilgiris. This article details its projects on water over the last two decades, from a water data perspective. Posted on 07 Apr, 2014 12:50 PM

A village of nine families bounded by a river on one side and thick forests on the other, lived here in Kilcoupe, an Irula hamlet in the Nilgiris. The women went out into the forest in search of water, a risky activity, as there was quite a large chance that they would encounter either a gaur or an elephant, sometimes even a leopard.

A stream flowing through a settlement and farms.
IPCC alarms India of a severe water shortage
News this week: IPCC releases its Fifth Assessment Report on climate change; Hydropower plants in Himachal find it tough to sell power; No toilet facilities in 20% of Goa households. Posted on 06 Apr, 2014 06:23 PM

IPCC releases its climate change report, alarms India of severe water shortage

Himalayan lake in Sikkim (Source: Wikimedia)
Indian Railways gets notice for supplying poor quality water
Policy matters this week: Delhi HC issues notice to Indian Railways for supplying poor quality water; DJB ends the free water policy on April 1; Rajasthan govt plans to set up 1,000 RO plants. Posted on 06 Apr, 2014 06:13 PM

HC issues notice to Indian Railways over poor quality water

Bottled water at railways (Source:India Rail Info)
Chennai's water quality mapped
What does the mapping of the water quality data onto the existing water supply map of Chennai tell us? Posted on 06 Apr, 2014 11:39 AM


To  visualize the water quality of Chennai over its existing water supply infrastructure map.


Chennai city base map
Ancient engineering marvels of Tamil Nadu
Eris, a system of cascading tanks, were once completely managed by local communities. With centralisation came disuse and lack of maintenance but an organisation is working to revive them. Posted on 05 Apr, 2014 02:06 PM

South India has a rich tradition of tanks with the three southern states of Tamil Nadu, Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh contributing to close to 92% of the total irrigation by tanks in the 1970s. Two decades later, this number dwindled to close to 53%. A decade after that, in 2001, the total contribution of tank irrigation in all of India was estimated to be just around 5.18%.

Small tank near Thalambedu in Kanchipuram
Maharashtra reels under hail storms and unseasonal rainfall
News this month: Maharashtra faces the impact of climate change; Developing El Nino raises fear of a weak Indian monsoon; India's water crisis to worsen in the coming years, says UN. Posted on 31 Mar, 2014 11:23 PM

Maharashtra reels under hail storms

Unseasonal rainfall in Mumbai (Source: Wikipedia)
Catch water when it falls
Rainwater harvesting and greywater recycling are simple steps to achieve water sufficiency. India Water Portal along with local partners spread this message in Chennai on World Water Day. Posted on 31 Mar, 2014 10:24 PM

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A temple tank in Chidambaram, Tamil Nadu
Water warriors of Chennai
The duo of Sekhar Raghavan and Indukanth Ragade, addicts of water conservation, tell why rainwater harvesting and greywater recycling are important and how they can be implemented at homes. Posted on 19 Mar, 2014 11:03 PM

Sekhar Raghavan and Indukanth Ragade