Tamil Nadu

Can GIS rescue South India's deteriorating tank systems?
Eris or tanks in Tamil Nadu, which once provided water for drinking and irrigation, are in disrepair today. Can technology help restore them? Posted on 21 Jan, 2015 10:28 AM

Several lakhs of farming communities in Tamil Nadu depend on the 39,202 tanks spread around the state. These tanks capture the runoff water from the monsoon rainfall that occurs in a short span of time, and also provide water for irrigation and other uses for the community.

However, these water bodies have been degenerating in the recent past due to reasons such as:

Eris/Tanks of Tamil Nadu
10 years since Tsunami, but TN fails to implement its rehabilitation plans
News this week Posted on 30 Dec, 2014 03:09 PM

Tamil Nadu Government fails to implement its long-term rehabililation plans post tsunami 2004

Post-tsunami slum (Source: Kavaiyan via Wikimedia)
Traditional fishing technologies: Will they survive the onslaught of development and mechanisation?
Age-old skills and techniques used by fisherfolk are under threat, and at the risk of being replaced by modern unsustainable technologies. Posted on 16 Dec, 2014 11:37 PM

Fisheries are an important sector providing employment to millions of people in India and contributing to the food security of the country. Marine, inland fisheries and aquaculture are the main components of the fisheries sector.

Fishing technologies used by the fisherfolk
Budget 2015-16 likely to have huge cuts in social sector
Policy matters this fortnight Posted on 16 Dec, 2014 12:27 PM

Social sector likely to get less funds in Union Budget 2015-16

MNREGA workers building check dam in Gujarat
500 year old water structure in Rameshwaram rediscovered!
After 30 days of digging and removing 6000 tractor loads of sand, the evasive Dharmar Theertham was found intact with fresh water being replenished in a pit in the middle of the structure. Posted on 03 Dec, 2014 10:12 PM

The word 'Theertham' literally means ‘water’ but in Hindu mythology, it is usually the physical holy water body associated with a temple or deity.

The 80 X 35 feet structure of Dharmar Theertham
No toilet, no job
Panchayat presidents of Namakkal district get people to build toilets at home by banning them from work until they do so. Posted on 28 Nov, 2014 03:04 PM

Thipramahadevi Pudhur is a village in Erumapatti Block, Namakkal District with 115 households. In July this year, this village was declared as ‘open-defecation free’ (ODF), something that was aided by Leaf Society, an organization based in Namakkal and their effective strategy of awareness generation, and leveraging of government loans to communities via convergence. 

Billboard declaring Thipramahadevi Pudhur ODF
Traditional rainwater harvesting systems to the rescue!
Rainwater harvesting, a “soft path” approach towards water management, cannot be advocated in isolation to tackle water scarcity. Posted on 19 Nov, 2014 10:26 AM

A drop in available water for irrigation is one of the important challenges that countries will face in the coming years. This could create a severe impact on agriculture and food production. This threat is far more serious in countries such as India due to the rapid growth in population as well as overexploitation of available water resources.

Eris/Tanks of Tamil Nadu
Environmental clearance to Cuddalore thermal plant quashed
Policy matters this week Posted on 18 Nov, 2014 01:41 PM

NGT turns down clearance to Cuddalore thermal plant because of threat to mangroves

A thermal power plant in Korba
Kerala's Ashtamudi lake certified by Marine Stewardship Council
News this week Posted on 10 Nov, 2014 10:09 PM

Kerala's Ashtamudi lake recognised for sustainable clam fishing

Mussel farm in Ashtamudi lake (Source: Fotokannan)
It's cyclone Hudhud's turn to cause damage!
News this week Posted on 14 Oct, 2014 11:40 AM

Hudhud lands in Vizag at 195 kmph

Tropical cyclone of 2013 (Source: NASA WorldView)