
ROW foundation is joined by a Water expert + Yamuna-Potomac team to conduct field workshops in India
An amalgamation of experts from ROW foundation, Yamuna Potomac team for conducting field workshops and identifying projects with high priority water quality improvement needs Posted on 16 Nov, 2009 12:30 PM

Dear Yamuna Lovers:

We are pleased to announce that Dr Satinder Ahuja has recently joined the Executive Committee of Rivers of the World Foundation (ROW).  Dr. Ahuja will lead the Water Quality Improvement projects for the Rivers of the World Foundation...

To see details Click Here

Flood Assessment Report of Mahabubnagar District - II
A report that highlight some of the issues that are of immediate interest (after the initial euphoria) to the people Posted on 16 Nov, 2009 10:54 AM

Now that the media has stopped taking interest in the devastating floods that made news in early October, you must be wondering what must have happened to the people who were badly affected by the floods !

Indian women farmers in Bihar and UP coping with climate change
As men are increasingly migrating to towns , women are left to struggle against erratic weather patterns, rising temperatures and decreasing groundwater levels to support their families. Posted on 07 Nov, 2009 09:50 AM
At a recent public hearing, Indian women farmers voiced their helplessness in dealing with the ramifications of global warming. 
Patna: Neelam Devi, 35, and Israwati Devi, 45, from Bihar and eastern Uttar Pradesh, respectively, are
Environmental Public Hearing of the proposed Devsari HEP, on River Pinder, disrupted by angry villagers
Information on the public environmental hearing in Devsari Posted on 03 Nov, 2009 01:19 PM

Public Hearing not Performed in Devsari HEP

{for pics see matujan.blogspot.com}
FIR filed against 11 people by name (Vimalbhai, Gabbarsingh etc.) under IPC. 148,332,427,436,504
Agitation is continue in Deval

On 13th October, 2009 the Environmental Public Hearing (PH) of the proposed Devsari HEP (252 MW) on river Pinder, one of the main tributary of Alaknanda River, District Chamoli, Uttarakhand was organised by Uttarakhand Pollution Control Board amidst growing opposition to the Project from the local vilagers. Satluj Jal Vidhut Co. Ltd., a joint venture of Central Govt. and Himachal State is the project proponent.

News updates - Oct 24 - 29, 2009
News updates from Oct 24-29 Posted on 29 Oct, 2009 04:11 PM


KC canal


Assesment report in Mahbubnagar district
An assesment report of the status in Mahbubnagar district created by a team of civil society representatives Posted on 12 Oct, 2009 11:18 PM

Attached is an assesment report of the status in Mahbubnagar district created by a team of civil society representatives. The report makes reference to a networking effort of civil society organisations in order to co-ordinate their efforts, and the team promises to continue to survey the situation and make periodic reports.

Reports from the Field : On - Site Interaction Reports from the Kosi Basin
A report on the continued effect of the Kosi deluge and also the current local concerns in the field. Posted on 11 Oct, 2009 06:49 AM

The following reports are from interactions organized in and around the Kosi Basin on the initiative of the Barh Mukti Abhiyan in alliance with local organizations. Reports from the interactions offer an unique window to the continued effect of the Kosi deluge and also the current local concerns in the field.

Information from ReliefWeb
A summary of the events concerning the relief work carried out in Andhra Pradesh n Posted on 08 Oct, 2009 12:45 AM

A map of the affected areas can be seen at this URL


and is also attached to this blog entry

The below is a brief summary of the events:


Heavy rains due to depression in the Bay of Bengal and low pressure from the Arabian Sea from Sep tember 29 to October 2 have caused flash floods in north Karnataka and the Rayalaseema region of Andhra Pradesh, affecting nearly two million people and claiming 210 lives. In Karnataka, 15 districts are affected and 161 people have nearly tw millionperished. In Andhra Pradesh, five districts were hit by the flash flood and 49 people have lost their lives. However, of the two million, 1.4 million people affected are from Andhra Pradesh.

Save Ganga Movement- An initiative to protect river Ganga
Link to the collaborated initiative of people from different walks of life to save river Ganges Posted on 04 Sep, 2009 05:58 PM

Many NGOs are working along with communities and industries to save rivers in India. The river Ganga is relevant culturally, and its waters have been used extensively by industries and communities. At the same time, industrial and agricultural discharge or waste is being dumped at many stretches.

The Arkavathi Integrated Water Resource Management (IWRM) project
A brief on the benefits of the IWRM project - Basin has turned green
Posted on 04 Sep, 2009 05:22 PM

The Arkavathi programme interlinks communities that have been traditionally independent from one another. The Arkavathi River is one of the principal tributaries of the Cauvery in Karnataka and flows through Rural, Peri - Urban and Urban areas.
