Information from ReliefWeb
A summary of the events concerning the relief work carried out in Andhra Pradesh n
Posted on 08 Oct, 2009 12:45 AM

A map of the affected areas can be seen at this URL

and is also attached to this blog entry

The below is a brief summary of the events:


Heavy rains due to depression in the Bay of Bengal and low pressure from the Arabian Sea from Sep tember 29 to October 2 have caused flash floods in north Karnataka and the Rayalaseema region of Andhra Pradesh, affecting nearly two million people and claiming 210 lives. In Karnataka, 15 districts are affected and 161 people have nearly tw millionperished. In Andhra Pradesh, five districts were hit by the flash flood and 49 people have lost their lives. However, of the two million, 1.4 million people affected are from Andhra Pradesh.
