Information from ReliefWeb

A map of the affected areas can be seen at this URL

and is also attached to this blog entry

The below is a brief summary of the events:


Heavy rains due to depression in the Bay of Bengal and low pressure from the Arabian Sea from Sep tember 29 to October 2 have caused flash floods in north Karnataka and the Rayalaseema region of Andhra Pradesh, affecting nearly two million people and claiming 210 lives. In Karnataka, 15 districts are affected and 161 people have nearly tw millionperished. In Andhra Pradesh, five districts were hit by the flash flood and 49 people have lost their lives. However, of the two million, 1.4 million people affected are from Andhra Pradesh.

The persistent presence of cyclonic winds over the Bay of Bengal and their movement towards the Deccan Plateau led to heavy downpour in the perennially drought -prone districts of north Karnataka for the first time in 60 years. Discharge of waters from three dams a cross the major rivers Krishna and Tungabhadra in Karnataka inundated several villages and towns across the region in the neighbouring states. The worst affected by the downpour and floods were parts of Bijapur, Gulbarga and Raichur districts in Karnataka and Mahbubnagar and Kurnool in Andhra Pradesh through which flow the rivers Krishna and Tungabhadra along with their tributaries. According to the Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister, the unprecedented inflow of river Krishna at the Srisailam dam in Kurnool district has broken all the past records as it touched a peak of 2.5 million cusecs compared to previous highest inflow of 0.97 million cusecs in 1967.

Rail and road transport were affected in the rain -hit districts of both the states. Kurnool district in An dhra Pradesh is still cut off as the Tungabhadra bridge connecting the NH -7 was washed away. The death count in both the states is likely to go up as many flood -hit areas are still to be accessed in Andhra Pradesh.

As of date, the Karnataka government has opened 479 relief camps where 123,653 people have taken shelter . The state government of Andhra Pradesh has set up 341 relief camps for 295,632 people. In Andhra Pradesh, the situation in worst -hit Kurnool and Mahbubnagar districts showed signs of easing with the water level in flooded areas receding and discharge o f water from dams slowing down - except prakasham barrage in Krishna district where the water level has been constantly increasing. Rains held off in most parts of Karnataka except in coastal areas and Bellary district and no rains were reported in the last 24 hours. However, the India Meteorological Department (IMD) has predicted heavy rains in the region for another 48 hours.


Post By: iwp