
Food Distribution in Aila Affected K-plot
An article on the devastating effect of cyclone Aila on the tiny island of K-plot, in the Bay of Bengal and the relief work undertaken. Posted on 22 Feb, 2010 10:39 AM

Food Distribution in K-Plot on Feb 17th

In face of the dire situation in Aila Affected areas, AID EB approved Rs. 1,50,000 for distribution of food in the remote island of K-plot and Nagenabad area of Moipith island. AID has been working with Baikanthapur Tarun Sangh (BTS) since Aila, on relief/rehabilitation and the revival of agriculture in the area.

Near-Famine Conditions in Aila Affected K-plot in Sundarbans
A first hand account of regions in the Bay of Bengal, devastated by the cyclone Aila Posted on 17 Feb, 2010 10:17 AM

Guest post by Somnath Mukherji


Ganga Yamuna Panchayat held on February 2010 at the Nehru Memorial Museum
A charter of demands presented to minister of Environment for the effective implementation of the New Ganga & Yamuna Action Plans Posted on 15 Feb, 2010 03:24 PM

Charter of All India Ganga Yamuna Panchayat submitted to Minister of Environment8-10 February 2010

In its concluding session on 10th February, the all India Ganga Yamuna Panchayat organized by Tarun Bharat Sangh and Manushi Sangathan presented a Charter of Demands to Minister of Environment, Mr Jairam Ramesh for the effective implementation of the New Ganga and Yamuna Action Plans.  The Panchayat was inaugurated on February 8th by Shri Digvijay Singh, General Secretary, All India Congress Committee at Nehru Memorial Museum and Library which hosted the Panchayat.

Contest to mark World Wetlands Day organised by WWF in Vijayawada
An invite to a competition held by the World Wildlife Fund & the Forest Department on the occasion of World Wetland Day Posted on 02 Feb, 2010 03:19 PM



VIJAYAWADA: School children will be with one another to list the number of animals and plants they can recognise in a competition being held by the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) and the Forest Department at Kaikaluru on Tuesday.

An invitation to celebrate World Wetlands Day at Yamuna Biodiversity Park on 2 February
An invitation by Yamuna Diversity Park Posted on 02 Feb, 2010 03:10 PM

Yamuna Biodiversity Park

The Yamuna Biodiversity Park (YBP) invites all citizens to celebrate the World Wetlands Day on the 2nd of February. This date marks the signing of the ‘Convention on Wetlands’ in 1971 at Ramsar, Iran. The 2010 Wetlands Day theme is “Caring for Wetlands – an Answer to Climate Change”. The theme highlights the fact that wetlands, with their biodiversity, can help mitigate climate change.

The plight of the Yamuna river
The article reflects the sad plight of the River Yamuna, who is being polluted by the rapid urbanisation and whose flow is being restricted by dams. Posted on 24 Jan, 2010 03:12 PM

(Last to last year in frustration, this letter came out. Now when Commonwealth Games are at the door Mother Yamuna is asking for justice on her death bed)

Revered Citizens of India,

I am mother of one sixth of humanity, But now a stigma on my own sons. My own sons are raping me for their own prosperity and development. I want to tell you what is my story and what are my ideas while sitting on the death bed.

My story starts from a myth and a reality. My sons believe that I came from heaven while scientists say that I have originated from the glaciers of Himalayas. I believe in both. My father is Himalaya and I originate from Yamunotari glacier, now in state of Uttarakhand. My birth was considered as the end of vows of Aryan civilization. The oldest civilization started flourishing on my banks and sister Ganges also supported this cause. World’s greatest religion was founded in my territory.

Kosi Tragedy should be inquired by CBI
This is a petition to National Human Rights Commission in September 2008 demanding an inquiry into the Kosi tragedy. Posted on 22 Jan, 2010 02:05 PM


Prof.Suraj Yadav, Assistant Professor in Delhi University reports


Release of books in Hindi "Aaviral Ganga" and "Dole mein Pole" by Matu People's Organisation, 2010
"Aaviral Ganga" and "Dole mein Pole" are the 2 new published books in Hindi by Matu People's Organisation. Posted on 21 Jan, 2010 05:53 PM

The book "Aaviral Ganga" explores the question of what is a dam, and of what the river Ganga means to us, and the impact of dams in the Ganga river valley”

The book "Dole mein Pole" is a case study of Srinagar Hydro Electric Project, on River Alaknanda(the main tributary of Ganga) how the 200 MW dam clearance was converted into 330 MW. There was no public hearing, no extra study, no monitoring, no compliance etc.

Ganga pollution unabated in Haridwar- Study by PSI
Water quality deteriorates as discharge and effluents continuously pour into the Ganga at Haridwar Posted on 21 Jan, 2010 04:39 PM

A recent study monitoring water quality of river Ganga in Hardwar shows that it does not meet the standards for outdoor bathing set by the Central Pollution Control Board. This is primarily due to the continuing discharge of untreated wastewater and effluents from various drains directly into the river. The outfall from the sewage treatment plant (STP) at Jagjeetpur alone releases about 129 million litres daily (MLD) into the Ganga with a fecal coliform concentration of about 34 million/100ml!

Scientists from People’s Science Institute (PSI) took samples from 10 drains falling into river Ganga at different locations in Hardwar on January 2nd and 3rd, 2010 along with samples of the river water at 3 locations.

Kosi breach due to Bihar government's apathy: PAG
Bihar state government indicted for the breach in river Kosi embankment in 2008 by the Principal Accountant General (PAG). Posted on 18 Jan, 2010 05:22 PM

Patna, Jan 15 (PTI) The Principal Accountant General (PAG) of Bihar has indicted the state government for the breach in river Kosi embankment in 2008 that rendered lakhs of people homeless and claimed several lives.
