Conference on adapting water harvesting to climate change in dry lands of India, Jal Bhagirathi Foundation, Jodhpur

The Jal Bhagirathi Foundation has been working for the past eight years with programmes in the Marwar region of Thar Desert to empower distressed village communities enabling them to revive the traditional community management systems and practices with special focus on creating social capital as sustainable means for bringing water security. With our work in 200 villages, the effectiveness of traditional wisdom for harvesting rain has been proved as a reliable method to bring water security in the region.

In these recent times of changing climatic patterns, there is a need to bring greater efficiency in these water harvesting structures to adapt them to climate change. Changes in rainfall pattern both spatially and temporally which will increase the affecting availability for drinking, agriculture and other livelihood needs.

With the objective of sharing knowledge and explore the strategies to adapt the existing rain water harvesting technologies, a two day conference on ‘Adapting Water Harvesting to Climate Change in Dry lands of India’. It is being organized on 12th-13th February 2010 at Water Resource Centre, Jal Bhagirathi Foundation, Jodhpur.

The goal of the conference is to promote the idea of improving efficiency and effectiveness of traditional water harvesting works due to changes in variability in climate. The conference is designed to bring all stakeholders together to focus on various dimensions of adaptation and bringing changes in the responses of small scale water harvesting.

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Post By: reena