
Harvesting water harnessing life: A case study of Kotla village in Mewat, Rajasthan
A case study of good watershed interventions by the Sehgal Foundation that has helped improve the water situation in Kotla village in Mewat, Rajasthan Posted on 14 May, 2009 01:31 PM

A Case Study of Kotla Village in Mewat


People Meo Tribals
Geographical Location Foothills of Aravalis
Average rainfall 336mm-500mm
Occupation of villagers  
a) Agriculture & Animal Husbandry
b) Others
Cultivated area 80%
Irrigated area 44%
Source of water for irrigation Ground water- 95%
Water Quality Mostly brackish
Ground water depletion rate Over 25cms a year

The living wisdom: using local well driller knowledge to construct digital groundwater data bases
The study analyses knowledge of well drillers about groundwater aquifers and verify it with scientific data Posted on 14 May, 2009 12:39 PM

In the absence of groundwater instrumentation networks in India, the knowledge of local well drillers about the location, quality, etc of groundwater aquifers is invaluable. 

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Groundwater management:traditional knowledge and formal science
The paper compares formal science with traditional wisdom to manage groundwater and infers that lot can be gained from traditional knowledge Posted on 14 May, 2009 12:35 PM

Author Sunderajan Krishnan argues that the apparent duality between formal science and one based on traditional wisdom and observations is an illusion and decision making on groundwater management has a lot to gain from traditional knowledge sources.

The Andhra Pradesh farmer managed groundwater system project
Several thousand farmers voluntarily takes number of steps to reduce groundwater pumping, to overcome groundwater depletion without sacrificing on returns, while still improving overall efficiency Posted on 14 May, 2009 12:23 PM

The Andhra Pradesh Farmer Managed Groundwater System (APFAMGS) project is an enabling intervention for managing groundwater depletion through voluntary self regulation. The project has demonstrated its impact in 7 districts of Andhra Pradesh spread over 650 villages, on a significant scale. Read more

Financing water crises: World Bank, International Aid Agencies and Privatisation - a report by Navdanya and Research Foundation for Science, Technology & Ecology
The report aims to expose the World Bank aided water privatisation scam in India Posted on 13 May, 2009 05:31 PM

The report by Navdanya and Research Foundation for Science, Technology & Ecology is in two parts. The first part lists the World Bank projects in three categories – loans given from 1950-1990, water restructuring projects from 1990-2005, and projects at approval stage. The second part of the report includes case studies of World Bank driven water privatization projects in Delhi, Tamil Nadu, Madhya Pradesh and Rajasthan. 

Delhi water and wastewater reforms bill (2003) – a draft recommended by J Sagar Associates
The bill provides for establishment of regulatory commission for efficient, commercial, economic and competitive management of water and wastewater management in Delhi Posted on 13 May, 2009 05:02 PM

This document presents the draft Delhi Water and Wastewater Reforms Bill (2003) prepared by J Sagar Associates (JSA). The bill provides for constitution of a Regulatory  Commission for the water and wastewater sector, reorganization of the water and wastewater sector, rationalization  of water and wastewater tariff, increase avenues for participation of the private sector in the water and wastewater sector and taking measures conducive to the development and management of the water and wastewater sector in an efficient, commercial, economic and competitive manner in the National Capital Territory of Delhi and for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto.

Delhi jal board act (1998) and amendment bill (2002)
The act of (1998) aims to establish a board to regulate water supply, sewerage and sewage disposal and drainage within Delhi and in 2002 several amendments were made to the act Posted on 13 May, 2009 04:55 PM

Delhi jal board act (1998)

The Delhi jal board act, 1998 aims to provide for the establishment of a Board to discharge the functions of water supply, sewerage and sewage disposal and drainage within the National Capital Territory of Delhi and for matters connected therewith. The Government after the issue of the notification under sub-section (3) of Section 1, constituted the Delhi Water Board by notification in the official Gazette.

Course on urban water scenario
The course provides information on current urban water scenario and scientific, technological and socio-economic solutions to overcome urban water problems Posted on 13 May, 2009 10:06 AM

“Urban Waters” served as a background material for Arghyam’s second annual conference on April 2007 at Bangalore. There is a vast body of research on urban water issues; a bewildering number of organizations are working on the subject; and it has a wide array of dimensions.

Upgrading water treatment plants - by World Health Organisation
The book provides a practical guide to improve the performance of water treatment plants Posted on 12 May, 2009 05:59 PM

The principles and ideas presented have been shown to be effective in increasing the capacity of water, and are based on extensive experience in upgrading a variety of treatment plants throughout the world. The procedures proposed apply not only to the optimization of existing treatment plants but also to the design of new ones.

Assessing the operation and maintenance status of water supply - A WHO Publication
This document presents nine tools for assessing the operation and maintenance status of water supply and sanitation in developing countries Posted on 12 May, 2009 05:50 PM

The term "Operation and Maintenance" has been used as a general concept covering a wide range of activities carried out by utilities, government and communities in order to sustain their services and to maintain existing capital assets.