Delhi water and wastewater reforms bill (2003) – a draft recommended by J Sagar Associates

This document presents the draft Delhi Water and Wastewater Reforms Bill (2003) prepared by J Sagar Associates (JSA). The bill provides for constitution of a Regulatory  Commission for the water and wastewater sector, reorganization of the water and wastewater sector, rationalization  of water and wastewater tariff, increase avenues for participation of the private sector in the water and wastewater sector and taking measures conducive to the development and management of the water and wastewater sector in an efficient, commercial, economic and competitive manner in the National Capital Territory of Delhi and for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto.

The functions of the Commission were –

  • determine tariff for water-supply and wastewater-removal undertaken by Licensees at wholesale, bulk  and retail levels ;
  • determine  charges for the use of ground water in a notified area, in case levied by the Board;
  • determine tariff payable for the use of the facilities for conveyance of water and for the evacuation and disposal of wastewater through mains or pipes or other means; 
  • determine license conditions and issue licences for water-supply and wastewater-removal  ;
  • regulate the working of  the licensees to ensure compliance with the provisions of this Act, the license and applicable rules, regulations, orders and directions issued from time to time;
  • require licensees to formulate prospective plans and schemes in co-ordination with others to promote the water and wastewater sector and  to ensure quality of service;
  • promote competition, efficiency and economy in the activities of the water and waste water sector;
  • aid and advise the Government of NCT of Delhi in the formulation of policy relating to water and waste water;
  • associate with the environmental regulatory agencies and water quality monitoring agencies to develop appropriate policies and procedures for environmental regulation of the water and wastewater sector;
  • to set and enforce service standards for the water and wastewater sector including standards relating to quantity, continuity and reliability of service;
  • to lay down and enforce safety standards;
  • to open avenues for participation of  the private sector in the water and wastewater sector while ensuring sector viability and promoting consumer interests;
  • to collect and publish data and forecasts on the demand for, and use of, water and groundwater and publish such data including through electronic media;
  • to monitor the enforcement of the tariff and service standards of licensees and adjudicate upon the disputes and differences between a licensee and the Board, or any other licensee under this Act;                         
  • regulate the use by licensees and their sub-contractors of common assets relating to water-supply and wastewater-removal, including  conveyance of water or evacuation of wastewater through mains or pipes; and
  • any other function as may  be assigned to it by the Government of NCT of Delhi.

Read the act


Post By: rajshekar