
Legal implications of Plachimada, Kerala, that faces public health issues and agricultural deterioration by Coca Cola plant- a case study (2007)
The case study reveals failure of state in efficient implementation of pollution control laws and absence of specific and comprehensive groundwater laws in the state Posted on 18 May, 2009 03:56 PM

This paper published by the International Environmental Law Research Centre briefly describes the geography and the socio-economic background of Plachimada, and analyses the legal and institutional framework applicable to the case,

Stakeholders come together to halt pollution in Khari river, Ahmedabad - a paper in Economic and Political Weekly (2006)
The paper describes the efforts made to reduce pollution in river Khari, Gujarat, contaminated due to discharge of industrial effluents Posted on 18 May, 2009 03:55 PM

This paper published in the Economic and Political Weekly describes the case of river Khari in Gujarat, which faced increasing amount of pollution due to the discharge of industrial effluents in the river and the efforts made  to solve the pollution problem.

The phenomenon of pollution started in the 1970s when Naroda, Odhav, Vatva and Narol on the eastern periphery of Ahmedabad city were promoted by the government. While there were zones for industries according to the type of waste generated, environmental considerations were overlooked and no provision was made for the safe disposal of industrial effluents. Most of the factories in the industrial estates were water intensive and all of them discharged effluents into the nearby Kharicut canal, which flows into the Khari river, a tributary of the Sabarmati. As the canal remained dry throughout the year, the government ignored its (mis)use.

“Oru Oorula Oru Oorani”: a movie highlighting the problems and solutions for drinking water in drought prone districts of Tamil Nadu
The villagers came together to revive ooranis and found an enduring solution to water problems in drought prone districts of Tamil Nadu Posted on 18 May, 2009 03:44 PM

The film highlights the problems and solutions for drinking water in drought prone districts of Tamil Nadu. Ooranis are village ponds that were engineered several centuries ago to harvest rainwater. 

Time: 14mins

Conveying water related messages to the community through theatre and communication workshop
Ministry of water resources demonstrates accomplishment of synergy by theatre and communication workshop Posted on 18 May, 2009 03:34 PM

A 15 day 'Theatre and Communication' workshop was held by water related NGOs from 12 states. This movie demonstrates the accomplishments of synergy and how after this workshop theatre was used in hundreds of schools to convey water related messages to the community.
Courtesy- Ministry of Water Resources, Time- 16:45 minutes

Every drop counts: channeling rainwater and surface water to recharge groundwater- a video
Recharge groundwater by channeling rainwater and surface water through open wells Posted on 18 May, 2009 01:26 PM

'Every Drop Counts' shows how to channel rainwater and surface water to recharge groundwater via open wells. Tankas (underwater tanks) are an excellent solution to tackle water scarcity and conserve our ground water.

Courtesy- Barefoot College, Time- 11:30 minutes

Hydrogeology in watershed planning - a presentation by Advanced Center for Water Resources Development and Management
The presentation provides information on groundwater and explains the importance of using hydrogeology in watershed programmes with the help of a case study Posted on 18 May, 2009 01:17 PM

The presentation ends by making the following points:

Groundwater utilisation and sustainability - a research paper
The paper details current situation of groundwater and the significant impact of unsustainable groundwater use on hydrology, ecology and other natural resources Posted on 18 May, 2009 12:55 PM

GroundwaterThis paper describes the current groundwater situation and warns that the unsustainable use of groundwater stands to significantly impact a host of hydrological, ecological and other natural resources and services, including freshwater bodies, and aquatic, riparian, transitional, and terrestrial ecosystems. Baseflow will decrease and wetlands will disappear, streams and rivers will degrade, channel erosion will increase, and wildlife habitat will be reduced. Other impacts include drying up of wells, salt-water intrusion in coastal areas, and land subsidence.

Techniques of artificial recharge of groundwater by Central Groundwater Board
Central Groundwater Board details direct method of surface spreading and sub-surface and indirect method of induced recharge for artificially recharging groundwater Posted on 18 May, 2009 12:49 PM

This site by the Central Groundwater Board (Northern Region, Ministry of Water Resources, Government of India provides information on the techniques for artificial recharge to groundwater and includes:

Legislations on environment, forests, and wildlife by Ministry of Environment and Forests
Ministry of Environment and Forests provides legislations on water pollution, air pollution, environmental protection, animal welfare, wildlife, forest conservation, biodiversity, etc. Posted on 18 May, 2009 11:09 AM

This site by the Ministry of Environment and Forests provides the list of legislations on environment, forests, and wildlife

Policies and Legislative Framework for wastewater management (1974-1986)
The article gives a brief account for the acts that were passed to protect water and environment from the year 1974 to 1986 Posted on 18 May, 2009 11:04 AM

Legislation on waste/pollution control took into account not only the generators of waste but also the receiving environments. Limits were laid down in terms of standards for effluent or emission. Depending on the type of waste generator, there were specified limits for volume of waste and  characteristics of waste.
