
Study of Tirupur textile industry cluster - effluent load, disposal practices and possible options
The study collects data on effluent load, studies current treatment and disposal practices and reviews the available technology options adopted for reduction of pollution Posted on 16 May, 2009 02:55 PM

The objectives of the case study by TIDE supported by Arghyam on the Tirupur textile industry cluster included:

Water management in the 21st century - policy and planning
The article presents some measures for developing policy and planning tools for water management Posted on 16 May, 2009 01:48 PM

A national discussion is underway in India on water management issues, with a significant emphasis on decentralization of water supply systems.  Rashtriya Jal Biradari of Rajasthan held a conference in New Delhi in June 2004 (indiatogether.org, July 2004) to propose policies and steps to address India’s water problems.

Water quality and environment standards and categories of most polluting industries from Central Pollution Control Board
Central Pollution Control Board website provides standards of water quality parameters, more than 40 industry–specific effluent standards and list of 17 most polluting industries in india Posted on 16 May, 2009 01:42 PM

Water quality standard sectiion

The water quality standards section on the site of the Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB), contains data on limits/standards of various indicative water quality parameters, such as coliform, pH, dissolved solids, bod etc, for each designated water use (drinking, bathing etc).

Read the standards and also view this file for water quality and drinking water quality standards from www.groundwatertnpwd.org.in

Monitoring of Indian National Aquatic Resource: This article on the Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) website, contains graphs indicating the water-source wise national water quality monitoring network data, water quality trend across different parameters (bod, coliform etc), and water quality trend (measured in terms of bod) in various rivers of India.

View the graphs

Environmental standards section

The environmental standards section of the Central Pollution Control Board website, contains more than 40 industry–specific effluent standards, ranging from battery manufacturing to thermal power plants.
Read the industry–specific standards
Under the same section, read through some of the more recently–notified industry– specific standards and some proposed industry–specific standards here
The CPCB is a national body formed to promote cleanliness of streams and wells in the country by prevention, control and abatement of water pollution, and to improve the quality of air and to prevent, control or abate air pollution in the country.
For more info, click here

17 most polluting industries in India

This site provides information on the list of 17 most polluting industries, identified by the Central Pollution Control Board (Ministry of Environment and Forests). The site provides information on the following sections:

Tutorials on wastewater treatment and management
The article provides introduction to wastewater treatment and management and different methods to recycle wastewater Posted on 16 May, 2009 01:15 PM

Basic and advanced tutorial on wastewater management by Shiv Shankar Ranganathan

Sewage canal - how to clean the Yamuna - a presentation by Centre for Science and Environment (CSE)
The presentation is an analyses to the strategies adopted to clean up Yamuna, one of India's holiest and dirtiest rivers Posted on 16 May, 2009 01:10 PM

This presentation provides an introduction to the book by the Centre for Science and Environment(CSE) titled Sewage Canal: How to Clean the Yamuna”. As per the presentation, several crore rupees have been sunk into plans to clean up the Yamuna.

Root Zone technology for the treatment of industrial and domestic waste water - A handbook from Central Pollution Control Board
Handbook by Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) on the application of root zone technology for the treatment of industrial and domestic waste water Posted on 16 May, 2009 12:47 PM

Root Zone Treatment System are planted filter-beds consisting of sand/gravel/soil. The system uses a natural way to effectively treat domestic & industrial effluents. 

This handbook on root zone technology for the treatment of industrial and domestic waste water is divided into following sections:

Ringsend wastewater treatment plant: a case study from Dublin, Ireland
Ringsend wastewater treatment plant, Dublin, has outstanding achievements in technical design and environmental sustainability to its credit Posted on 16 May, 2009 12:28 PM

Executive summary

Case studies from waste minimisation circle- an initiative by Ministry of environment and forests
Waste Minimisation Circle (WMC) is an initiative sponsored by the Ministry of Environment and Forests, Government of India under the policy framework of promoting waste minimisation in India. Posted on 16 May, 2009 12:23 PM

The initiative aims at:

A low-cost wastewater treatment system: case study from Hyderabad
Anaerobic deep pond implemented at Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University (JNTU), Hyderabad, as a low-cost wastewater treatment system Posted on 16 May, 2009 11:47 AM

A low-cost wastewater treatment system consisting of an anaerobic, deep pond, which uses a digestion chamber for degrading various types of sewage sludge and the solids from the influent wastewater stream.
Read More

Job opening: Research coordinator, Arghyam
Posted on 16 May, 2009 05:24 AM

Arghyam Trust based in Bangalore, (www.arghyam.org) focuses solely on water and sanitation with an emphasis on domestic water. We are looking to employ a young dynamic person to be a core member of a new Research & Developmentgroup.
