
Water productivity - Approaches to understand and improve this concept
Why wouldn't we want to make our water usage efficient, like so many other things that we consume? An article that talks on water productivity Posted on 08 Dec, 2009 12:21 AM

In a free market where efficiency and value for money are the driving factors, the consumers become conscious (and highly selective) in what they are buying and what they get out of it. Who would buy a less fuel efficient car or for that matter an electric appliance which consumes more electricity for the amount of work it does?

Training on DEWATS project management, CDD, Bangalore
Posted on 07 Dec, 2009 06:35 PM

CDD is organising a 3 days training on DEWATS Project Management from 6th to 8th January 2010 in Bangalore. The main objective of the training is to introduce decision makers to specific project management skills required for planning, financing, implementing and managing DEWATS projects.

No mention of water issues in the high-level discussions in Copenhagen
A view on the non involvement of water issues in the climate change negotiations in Copenhagen Posted on 07 Dec, 2009 12:56 PM

Ever since the tide of COP 15 related news swelled across the media and press releases in various parts of the world, I have been wondering if climate  issues are different from that of water. Perhaps water doesn't count as a valid climatic element or may be it doesn't make the argument any stronger than what carbon emissions and global warming can do!

Speakers and presentations at the IWMI : Bharat Sharma speaks on the use of GIS for estimating basin level water productivity
An amalgamation of the presentations and discussions at the IWMI on water productivity Posted on 07 Dec, 2009 02:25 AM



Filtech 2011 Wiesbaden Germany
Posted on 04 Dec, 2009 06:37 PM

Filtech 2011 March 22. – 24. 2011, Wiesbaden, Germany

Water Evaluation And Planning(WEAP) in the Indus and Ganges basin
An evaluation on the water evaluation and planning in the Indus and Gangetic basin Posted on 04 Dec, 2009 11:57 AM

This couldn't have been more relevant to the conversation that we are having here.

Mission of the Basin Focal Projects(BFP)- A workshop
A write up on the workshop on the context and mission of the Basin Focal Projects under the CPWF program Posted on 04 Dec, 2009 03:51 AM

It isn't just about doing executing a project and publishing results in journals. The projects cease to be of any significance of the findings do not get translated into impacts on the ground. Quite clearly it can be seen that in today's world, water cuts across a lot of development issues.

Aga Khan Rural Support Programme (India) looking for a Manager- Agriculture and Natural Resource Management
Posted on 03 Dec, 2009 12:46 PM

 Manager- Agriculture and Natural Resource Management
 Aga Khan Rural Support Programme (India)

 Location: Ahmedabad and intensive traveling
