
WSP looking for a Technical consultant
Posted on 26 Nov, 2009 11:50 AM

Technical Coordination for Development of an Online Performance Monitoring and Benchmarking System for Rural Sanitation

Water and Sanitation Program South Asia is looking for a technical consultant
Posted on 26 Nov, 2009 11:41 AM

WSP logo

WSP wishes to engage the services of a technical consultant for facilitating the development of an online performance benchmarking system The overarching role of the consultant will be to act as a technical liaison between the WSP Rural Sanitation team and the firm that will be engaged by WSP for the development of this online benchmarking system. The consultant is expected to work in the capacity of the key technical resource person from the WSP’s team for: leading discussions during the evaluation of proposals received from various competing firms, facilitating the selection process, collaborating with the WSP team for establishing technical requirements for software development and post-procurement, managing the outputs and activities of the firm for development of a robust benchmarking system and ensuring that O&M support is provided by the firm in a timely and appropriate fashion.

Speakers and presentations of WHSC 2009 day 3 : Ashok Jaitly talks about the policy issues on water conservation
WHSC 2009- Discussions and presentations by various speakers on water policy, rainwater harvesting techniques and Sulabh experience in sanitation Posted on 26 Nov, 2009 03:58 AM

Ashok Jaitly, Water Resources Department, TERI
Policy issues in water conservation

Habil Attarwala, Furaat Earth Ltd., Gujarat

Recommendations of the Working Group meeting on technological issues related to groundwater - Day 2
The Working Group Meeting setup for the day, arrived at its list of technological issues to be addressed, and their recommendations Posted on 26 Nov, 2009 03:32 AM

Attending today's technology sessions, I couldn't help thinking about what Carl Sagan once remarked about science and technology. He noted,

UNESCO Water Digest Water Award 2009-10
Posted on 25 Nov, 2009 10:53 AM

Water Digest Water Awards were set-up in 2006 to honor distinguished work carried out by various companies in order to save & conserve water.

Case presentation on what works in Rain Water Harvesting ( RWH)
Cases presented by speakers from their regions of work, in the field of rainwater harvesting Posted on 25 Nov, 2009 06:15 AM

Observing water harvesting from many different geographies, demographies and cultural setups, we have different approaches emerging to address the situation! The following are the cases presented by the speakers from their regions of work, who have come to understand and identify what works in RWH.

Decision tree based approach to water : A presentation by Durjoy Chakraborty
A decision tree based approach for water projectcs Posted on 25 Nov, 2009 04:55 AM

On technology and policy, on what works and what doesn't, on what should work and what can be scaled up... there have been numerous approaches and methodologies presented here at WHSC. That too, with a good number of case studies, substatiating the effectiveness of the chosen approach. Planning at micro and macro levels too, have been deliberated upon.

Traditional techniques of water management - Interesting cases presented by Farhad Contractor & Rajendra Singh
A discussion on water harvesting and conservation, traditional water management systems that have existed over centuries, in India. Posted on 24 Nov, 2009 09:58 PM

Rajendra Singh of Tarun Bharat Sangh and Farhad Contractor of Sambhaav Trust, had

Jobs via DevNetJobsIndia.org - 24.11.2009
Posted on 24 Nov, 2009 03:18 PM

1.CHAMP Manager
 Centre for Environment Education (CEE)
 Location: Gulbarga
 Last Date: November 28, 2009

Centre for Environment Education (CEE) is running a common treatment facility for biomedical waste management called as CHAMP at Gulbarga, Karnataka.

Speakers and presentations of the WHSC 2009 Day 2 : Rajendra Singh emphasises the need for decentralized water management
A compilation of presentations during the WHSC 2009 Posted on 24 Nov, 2009 05:11 AM

Rajendra Singh


