
Workshop paper and poster abstract submission for World Water Week - Guidelines and information
Invite for proposals for paper & poster presentations for World Water Week Posted on 28 Dec, 2009 04:35 PM


Proposals for workshop paper and poster presentations for the World Water Week are welcome from experts and actors in different disciplines. The deadline for abstract submittal is February 15, 2010 . Abstracts are welcome on the specific workshop themes listed below and described on pages 10-13.

Workshop Themes:

  • Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control
  • Shortcutting Historical Pollution Trends
  • Water Quality for Human Health
  • Improved Water Use Efficiency through Recycling and Reuse
  • Management of Groundwater Abstraction and Pollution
  • Minimising Land Use Based Pollution
  • Resilience, Uncertainty and Tipping Points
  • Origins, Pathways and Accumulation of Pollutants –
Inviting women researchers, journalists and activists
An invitation for an all-women travel-cum-expedition into the flood plains of north Bihar Posted on 28 Dec, 2009 04:00 PM

Like majority of our rivers, Kosi too is a goddess - the daughter of Lord Shiva. Nicknamed `the sorrow of Bihar' by the male-dominated engineer-contractor -politician lobby, the river has been searching for its identity ever since. Ironically, most of what has been seen and written on the hydrological engineering imposed on the river has been by `men' only.

Improving water quality through recharge of open wells - VP Thuruth - Trissur - Kerala - The Mazhapolima intervention programme
A case study that describes the work taken up in the coastal riverine island of VP Thuruth, Thrissur district, in the context of severe water scarcity and deteriorating water quality in the island.
Posted on 27 Dec, 2009 07:47 PM

Mazhapolima was a participatory well recharge programme initiated by the Thrissur district, under which domestic water sources were recharged with rainwater harvested (usually) from roof tops.

Call for papers: 5th South Asia research conference on "Globalization of governance - Implications for water management in South Asia", SaciWATERs, Bhutan
Posted on 24 Dec, 2009 11:33 AM

SaciWaters logo

RSPN logo




5th South Asia Research Conference

Topic: Globalization of Governance - Implications for Water Management in South Asia

Dates: May 3-5, 2010 Bhutan


Jobs from Devnet - Dec 22
Posted on 24 Dec, 2009 10:13 AM

Senior Coordinator in CSE, New Delhi - Water Management Programme

A village in Tamil Nadu realises the necessity of hygiene and sanitation for health and dignity of women
A rural village in South India realizes, day-by-day, the necessity of appropriate hygiene and improved sanitation for the good health of all people and the dignity of women. Posted on 23 Dec, 2009 03:36 PM

Through a maze of winding, curving roads off a main highway in Tamil Nadu, one must travel to reach the small, agrarian village of Muthampatti.

A woman who brought toilets, education and compassion to her village - The story of Anna Lakshmi of Tamil Nadu
One woman – with the help of a local NGO – learns how to become a leader in her household, village, and beyond bringing toilets, education, and compassion to those around her. Posted on 23 Dec, 2009 10:29 AM

Priyadarshini, or Priya to friends, wanders inquisitively around a large cement pad where a group of about thirty women and men are gathering to create a map of their village using a colored chalk powder called Rangoli.

Invitation for IDRC India Social Science Research Panel Discussion & Award Gala 2009
Posted on 17 Dec, 2009 06:14 PM

Invitation for
Canada’s International Development Research Centre

India Social Science Research Panel Discussion & IDRC India Social Science Research Award 2009

Recognizing young talent in India & Celebrating it’s India Office’s Silver Jubilee

December 19, 2009

NCUI Auditorium, August Kranti Marg, New Delhi

[Time: 2:00 PM – 6:00 PM]

Register at: http://idrcssra.defindia.net

Upcoming Training Programmes - Excella Orbit
Posted on 17 Dec, 2009 03:06 PM

Excella Orbit, a division of Sambodhi Research & Communications Pvt. Ltd. is pleased to announce the following bouquet of trainings during the month of January, February and March 2010.

Jan 05-07, 2010 - Process Documentation of Development Interventions, New Delhi

Nominations open - CSO Partners Outstanding Annual Report Awards 2010
Posted on 17 Dec, 2009 12:52 PM

Annual Report is one of the key tools for ensuring transparency and accountability of any organisation. Recognising the significance of quality Annual Reports for ensuring credibility of Voluntary Sector Organisations, we are pleased to present ‘CSO Partners Outstanding Annual Report Awards 2010’ in association with Financial Management Service Foundation (FMSF), Credibility Alliance (CA) and Spatial Access Advertising Consultancy (SAAC) on March 6, 2010 at New Delhi.
