
Vacation training programme on Bio-Resources at Ashoka Trust for Research in Ecology and the Environment – Apply by 15th April
Posted on 16 Mar, 2011 04:10 PM

ATREE6th vacation Training Programme on Bio-Resources funded by the National Bio-Resource Development Board, Department of Bio-Technology, Government of India will be conducted by Ashoka Trust for Research in Ecology and the Environment (ATREE), Bangalore, during summer 2011. Applications are invited from interested Class X candidates for the programme.

Tsunami, mangroves and market economy: No lessons learnt - Article by Devinder Sharma
In the midst of all the technological prowess that the world boasts of, nature still has its own ways of making us realise that we are not on the right track, Posted on 16 Mar, 2011 02:40 PM

The terrible earthquake and the disastrous sweep of the tsunami has left a trail of suffering in Japan. As our hearts go out to the Japanese, and to the impacted people, every natural disaster should provide us an opportunity to access where we have gone wrong.

Profile of DASINDIA
DAS (INDIA) has been working since 1992 (from 1992 to 1994 as A. Prasaad & Associates) with a commitment towards Social Development. Posted on 12 Mar, 2011 03:24 PM

ENV Developmental Assistance Systems (INDIA) Pvt. Ltd., is a consulting organization, providing management and technical support to a wide spectrum of clients on Social Development, Natural Resource Management and Integrated Infrastructure Development – Rural and Urban.

Water jobs via dated 10th March, 2011
Posted on 10 Mar, 2011 11:36 AM

Content Courtesy: DevNetJobsIndia

  • Water Quality Consultant

            WSSO recruitment by IMaCS

            Location: Patna
            Last Date: 15th March, 2011

            Read more

Ministry of Water Resources announces Ground Water Augmentation Awards and National Water Award
Posted on 10 Mar, 2011 10:48 AM

The Government has instituted Ground Water Augmentation Awards (Bhoomijal Samvardhan Puraskar) and National Water Award (Rashtriya Jal Puraskar).

Awards will be given for significant contribution for encouraging Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) / Gram Panchayats / Urban Local Bodies (for population upto 1 lakh) / Institutions / Corporate Sector and Individuals for adopting innovative practices of Ground Water Resources augmentation through rainwater harvesting and artificial recharge, promoting water use efficiency and re-use of water and awareness creation through people's participation in the targeted areas resulting in the sustainability of the resources and development of adequate capacity amongst the stakeholders.

Categories of Award: The awards have been categorised into four sections:

  • For the Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs), Gram Panchayata, Urban Local Bodies, Institution, Corporate Sectors and Individuals for adopting innovative practice of Ground Water Resources Augmentation through Rain water Harvesting and Artificial Recharge.
Tippy Tap - A device to promote hand washing with soap - Watershed Management Group
This video demonstrates the working of the Tippy Tap, a low cost, low tech, low water, hands-free device to promote hand washing with soap. Posted on 09 Mar, 2011 08:57 PM



"New Water Policy by 2011" - Droplets
e-Newsletter of Everything About Water (March 2011) Posted on 09 Mar, 2011 05:46 PM


  • New Water Policy by 2011
    Nine years after the last document, work is on to put in shape a new water policy for India that will by the end of the year not just lay down a framework for the allocation of water but also take into account the impact of climate change and the remedial steps that need to be taken.
  • Japan will extend Rs 2,557 Crore aid
    Japan is to extend an aid of Rs. 2,557 crore to India for three projects through its Overseas Development Assistance (ODA) window. The projects pertain to cleaning the river Yamuna in the national capital Delhi, crop diversification promotion in Himachal Pradesh and biodiversity conservation and greening in Tamil Nadu
"Access and behavioral outcome indicators for water, sanitation and hygiene by USAID Hygiene Improvement Project",
E-Disha, Newsletter of CDD Society, Issue 2, Volume 9, March 2011 Posted on 09 Mar, 2011 12:11 PM

Consortium for DEWATS Dissemination Society

  • Access and behavioral outcome indicators for water, sanitation, and hygiene by USAID Hygiene Improvement Project
    The document highlights the evidence that has accumulated based on the reliable assessment and validation of hygiene practices – practices that are critical for the prevention of diarrheal diseases and the reduction of child morbidity and mortality.
Emerging policies, creating new commons - A policy forum
Videos from the panel discussion organised by KICS at the IASC Conference, Hyderabad Posted on 04 Mar, 2011 02:54 PM

The panel discussion was held to further the idea of commons by extending the idea of autonomy in some of the discussions on commons to the Indian idea of Swaraj or Self-Rule.

Discussions in the panel drew the existing ideas of resource sharing, establishing institutions for governance but extend this to a broader discussion on knowledge and democracy. The panel draws from a recent examination of Gandhi’s Hind Swaraj from a knowledge perspective, an attempt by a network of knowledge commons - the Knowledge In Civil Society or KICS – to posit an Indian science and technology manifesto for 21st-century India and the world. Knowledge Swaraj suggests a new social contract of science in India, based on the principles of plurality, sustainability and justice and a closer look at expertise and knowledge in India. The panel began with a view from civil society on knowledge by M V Sastri looking at Gandhi’s ideas of Hind Swaraj and oceanic circles and the need for the commons debates to relook at ideas from Hind Swaraj from the viewpoint of the present day discourses of human rights also. This was followed by  papers that suggest how these ideas can be explored in practice.

Present status of interlinking of rivers project - Press Information Bureau release
Feasibility reports of 14 links under Peninsular Component and 2 links (Indian Portion) under Himalayan Component have been completed. Posted on 04 Mar, 2011 02:09 PM

The Government has said that the National Water Development Agency (NWDA) under the Ministry of Water Resources (MoWR) has identified 30 inter-state River links (16 under Peninsular Component & 14 under Himalayan Component) for preparation of Feasibility Reports (FRs). Out of these, FRs of 14 links under Peninsular Component and 2 links (Indian Portion) under Himalayan Component have been completed. Giving this information in written reply to a question in the Lok Sabha, present status of interlinking of rivers in the country, Shri Vincent H. Pala, Minister of State for Water Resources, said that the Five inter-state River links under Peninsular Component namely (i) Ken-Betwa, (ii) Parbati-Kalisindh-Chambal, (iii) Damanganga-Pinjal, (iv) Par-Tapi-Narmada & (v) Godavari (Polavaram)-Krishna (Vijayawada) were identified as priority links for building consensus among the concerned states for taking up their Detailed Project Reports (DPRs).