"New Water Policy by 2011" - Droplets


  • New Water Policy by 2011
    Nine years after the last document, work is on to put in shape a new water policy for India that will by the end of the year not just lay down a framework for the allocation of water but also take into account the impact of climate change and the remedial steps that need to be taken.
  • Japan will extend Rs 2,557 Crore aid
    Japan is to extend an aid of Rs. 2,557 crore to India for three projects through its Overseas Development Assistance (ODA) window. The projects pertain to cleaning the river Yamuna in the national capital Delhi, crop diversification promotion in Himachal Pradesh and biodiversity conservation and greening in Tamil Nadu
  • Sanctions Rs 3,000 Crore for Sewage Plants
    Rs 3,000 crore would be spent for setting up sewage treatment plants in 19 Bihar towns in the next five to six years under National Ganga River Basin Authority (NGRBA).
  • New Technology to reduce load on STPs
    The Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) has come up with cost-effective and eco-friendly innovative technology that would not only reduce the load of Sewage Treatment Plants (STPs) but also restrict the entry of specific pollutants from going into the Ganga.

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Post By: Chethan.S