
Cost recovery in urban water services: Select experiences in Indian cities- A report by Water and Sanitation Program
This report by Water and Sanitation Program states that while tariff reforms in urban service delivery are still in progress, service providers could improve cost recovery considerably by introducing more efficient operational practices. Posted on 18 Jan, 2013 09:05 PM

The report draws on the report by Water and Sanitation Program (WSP) study from 2008 which made a comparative analysis of 23 urban local bodies (ULBs)—looking at seven cities in detail and another 16 based on secondary data to understand the factors affecting cost recovery.

Wandering waters: A breathtaking photo essay on the rivers of India
A breathtaking photo essay to show different shades of Indian rivers by Ayan Ghosh Posted on 18 Jan, 2013 08:24 PM

The Lohit, Arunachal Pradesh

Water resources in India under changed climate scenario- A paper in International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications
This paper in International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications, tries to assess the impacts of climate change on water resources of the river basins of India, which are of great significance for domestic, industrial agricultural and hydropower scenario of the country. Posted on 18 Jan, 2013 07:41 PM

The paper in its introduction states that the shortage for fresh water is becoming a limiting factor for the socio-economic development of many countries.

Ministry of Drinking Water and Sanitation and National Remote Sensing Centre release groundwater prospects maps for 14 states of India
Groundwater is our main source of water for domestic, agriculture and industrial use today and through base flows, it also maintains the flow in many of our rivers Posted on 17 Jan, 2013 05:29 PM

It is therefore crucial that we look after this resource and ensure that it is managed properly.Over reliance on groundwater for both domestic and commercial purposes has led to over-exploitation and contamination of groundwater. In order to make groundwater sustainable, there is a need to understand the aquifer characteristics as well as its overall geological setting.

Understanding and conserving urban lakes and wetlands: Report on a course conducted by INTACH at New Delhi, in January 2013
What are wetlands? How do they contribute to the ecological well being of a city? Do they need to be conserved? And if yes, what are the issues and problems involved? This 3 day course by INTACH aimed at clarifying these basic questions, citing a few case studies and cinching it with an informative site visit. Posted on 17 Jan, 2013 12:12 PM

Day 1: Introduction to wetlands, their functions, values & importance

‘Lets catch the rain’: A fun way to learn about water harvesting
An innovative and fun way to learn more on saving rainwater Posted on 16 Jan, 2013 02:11 PM

Lets catch the rain


A TedX talk on trash: Ribhu Vohra speaks on 'Garbology 101'- an educational toolkit to inspire children to be waste conscious
How is trash produced, processed and consumed? What can an individual do to understand and be a part of a waste conscious society? Garbology 101, an educational toolkit uses fun tools to inspire children! Posted on 16 Jan, 2013 01:09 PM

How is trash produced, processed and consumed? What can an individual do to understand and be a part of a waste conscious society? Garbology 101, an educational toolkit uses fun tools to inspire children!

Studying climate change in India- A book review in Economic and Political Weekly
This article in Economic and Political Weekly is a review of the edited book Handbook of Climate Change and India: Development, Politics and Governance by Navroz Dubash. Posted on 12 Jan, 2013 10:44 PM

This article in Economic and Political Weekly is a review of the edited book Handbook of Climate Change and India: Development, Politics and Governance by Navroz Dubash. The author of the article states that the book is an important addition to the body of knowledge on the subject of climate change. The articles in the book are written from diverse view points by authors who are activists, researchers, diplomats, policymakers, and politicians.

Greening rural development in India - A report that reviews and recommends steps on goverment implemented green schemes
Recognizing the national and global imperatives for regenerating natural resources and conserving ecosystems, the Ministry of Rural Development requested UNDP to examine the environmental implications of its schemes and assess the potential of these schemes to deliver green results. Posted on 11 Jan, 2013 07:49 PM

Recognizing the national and global imperatives for regenerating natural resources and conserving ecosystems, the Ministry of Rural Development requested UNDP to examine the environmental implications of its schemes and assess the potential of these schemes to deliver green results.
