
Even as Maharashtra faces acute water scarcity, a green, lush village in the heart of Marathawada stands water rich and drought proof- Roundup of the week’s news (February 18-24, 2013)
This article presents the news for the week of Feb 18-24, 2013 Posted on 25 Feb, 2013 04:00 PM

A green oasis amidst despair and drought hit Maharastra

Subsidy or shame: Which technique works better in improving sanitation in India ? - Talk by Sumeet Patil, NEERMAN, at the 3ie seminar at Delhi, February 2013
Sumeet Patil provides insight on a study carried out to examine the effects in Orissa of a “community-led total sanitation” model implemented there. Posted on 25 Feb, 2013 09:48 AM

Subsidy proponents believe that the poor need economic incentives while shaming proponents contend that to bring out lasting behavioural change, intrinsic motivation is required; people are more likely to use and value things they have had to pay for.

Strategies for achieving environmental sustainability in rural development - A report by United Nations Development Programme
This report by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) presents strategies for inclusive rural development embodying the principles of environmental sustainability. Posted on 23 Feb, 2013 10:22 AM

This report by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) presents strategies for inclusive rural development embodying the principles of environmental sustainability. It recommends measures needed to achieve green, including measuring and tracking, the use incentives and the building of capacities. It also contains a number of case studies showing how green results can be achieved.

Some strategies for managing groundwater by Aditi Mukherji, IWMI
Groundwater is essential for India's agricutural economy. In her blog 'Waterscapes', Aditi Mukherji discusses the need for regional strategies to manage groundwater economy. Posted on 22 Feb, 2013 09:53 AM

Groundwater is essential for India's agricutural economy. However, there is a large variation in the groundwater resources of each region. Some regions are already over-exploited, while others can still tolerate more withdrawal. In her blog 'Waterscapes', Aditi Mukherji discusses the need for regional strategies to manage groundwater economy.

Video documentary on the work done by Dr. Sudarshan for the upliftment of Soliga tribes in BR Hills, Karnataka- A webisode in Chai with Lakshmi
This webisode gives an insight into Dr.Sudarshan's work with the indigenous forest dwellers, Soliga tribes in Biligiriranga Hills, Southern Karnataka. Posted on 20 Feb, 2013 11:47 AM

Source of video: Chai with Lakshmi

Panos South Asia invites applications for the South Asia Climate Change Award Fellowships for journalism - Apply by March 8, 2013
Posted on 19 Feb, 2013 12:12 AM

Panos South Asia - LogoAbout Panos South Asia

Panos South Asia's vision is to make societies inclusive, democratic and just and to renegotiate power through media by enabling diverse opinions, ideas and theories to be included in the debate on governance and development. Panos South Asia has its headquarters in Kathmandu (Nepal) with country offices in New Delhi (India), Colombo (Sri Lanka), Karachi (Pakistan), and Dhaka (Bangladesh).

The Fellowship

The fellowships are being offered by Panos South Asia as part of a Climate and Development Knowledge Network (CDKN) project for enhancing climate change awareness and understanding among journalists in South Asia.

  •  The fellowships will support writing / reporting stories on climate change from the region.
  • The fellows will also have the opportunity to participate in a training workshop and field trip that will link them with their peers from the neighbouring countries and understand climate-related issues from a South Asian perspective.

Rights of adivasis over forest lands diminishes; their consent no longer mandatory for all development projects taken up on forest land - Roundup of the week’s news (February 11-17, 2013)
Adivasis' rights over forest lands diminishes. Government dilutes its stand on requiring consent from tribals before handing over their forest lands for projects. Posted on 18 Feb, 2013 11:18 PM

Adivasis' rights over forest lands diminishes

A note on System of Rice Intensification practices in 13 states of India
Can the System of Rice Intensification be the answer to meet the country's future rice demand? A macro-level study covering 13 major rice-growing states indicates that fields with SRI have a higher average yield compared to non-SRI fields. Posted on 17 Feb, 2013 07:55 PM

Article Courtesy: Economic and Political Weekly, Vol - XLVIII No.8

Author(s): K Palanisami, K R Karunakaran, Upali Amarasinghe, and C R Ranganathan

The role of sanitation in girl child education - A documentary film by HEEALS
Through the medium of documentary film and art, HEEALS tries to create awareness among the masses about girl child education, menstrual hygiene, sanitation and safe drinking water Posted on 15 Feb, 2013 08:31 PM


The role of sanitation in girl child education - A documentary film by HEEALS

HEEALS is a vibrant civil society organization that aims to safeguard health, environment, education and livelihood to promote sustainable development of society. Through the medium of documentary film and art it is trying to create awareness among the masses about girl child education, menstrual hygiene, sanitation and safe drinking water and attempting to relate how girl child education directly suffers due to bad sanitation facilities, unsafe drinking water and lack of knowledge to obtain the same.