Water resources in India under changed climate scenario- A paper in International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications

The paper in its introduction states that the shortage for fresh water is becoming a limiting factor for the socio-economic development of many countries. Further the competing demand for water for domestic and industrial purposes also adds pressure to the resource. Under such circumstances it is important to have a reliable assessment of the resource.

The global warming is expected to pose serious challenges to fresh water resource.The paper examines the escalating threats of climate change on eastern and north eastern, river basins of India. The objective of the paper is to analyze the spatial variation of water supply and demand across the flood prone river basins.

The paper then goes on to shed light on the methodology followed to collect data. The hydrologic simulation package HEC-HMS has been used for the evaluation of hydrologic impact of climatic variability on water resources of ten important eastern and north eastern river basins in India. Along with this historical data for the basins are used for the calibration and validation, daily rainfall data and stream flow data for a period of thirty years (January 1961 to December 1990) for the selected river basins. PRECIS climatic model was used to calculate future projection of climatic variables.

The paper then goes on to elaborate the results of the study carried, which includes river runoff, water availability, virtual water availability, water footprint and green water availability.

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