Studying climate change in India- A book review in Economic and Political Weekly

This article in Economic and Political Weekly is a review of the edited book Handbook of Climate Change and India: Development, Politics and Governance by Navroz Dubash. The author of the article states that the book is an important addition to the body of knowledge on the subject of climate change. The articles in the book are written from diverse view points by authors who are activists, researchers, diplomats, policymakers, and politicians.

The book is divided into 6 parts, which are as follows:

  1. Climate science and potential impacts
  2. Past as prologue: Early Indian perspectives on climate change
  3. The international climate negotiations: Stakes, debates and dilemmas
  4. Domestic politics of climate change
  5. Integrating climate change and development: A sectoral view
  6. Looking to the future

By picking up specific paper from each part of the book, the author has analysed how the book has highlighted about specific issues from the editor s’ point of view. Finally the authors state that the book is a major resource for advancing public knowledge in global warming and climate change. It is rich in the analysis of intergovernmental negotiations but has scant information on the basics of climate warming processes and the scenarios for India.

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