Dehradun District

Spring clusters of Doon valley: Extensive modification of the environment has taken place due to human intervention in the Doons
This article describes the Doon valley known for its spring clusters Posted on 01 Oct, 2012 11:11 AM

Doon valley is known for its spring clusters. The mountain flanks of the Doon valley have a chain of swamps.  Extensive aquifers of Doon spring clusters provide significant/sufficient storage of water. These spring clusters have hydrological effects such as promoting ground water recharge, intercepting rain and storing rain water.

Report of the 4th national conference of the Forum of forest people and forest workers (NFFPFW): Dehradun, 26-28 May 2012
This article includes the proceedings of the Forum for forest people and forest workers organised at Dehradun Posted on 10 Jul, 2012 10:03 AM

Around 500 delegates from around 19 states and three neighboring countries Pakistan, Bangladesh and Nepal participated in the 4th National Conference on the Forum of forest people and forest workers organised in Dehradun on 26-28 May 2012. More than 80% delegates were from the forest communities. A summary report of this conference is presented in this article.

"Citizens need to engage in critiquing environment impact assessments": Report of a workshop on environmental flows, organised by Himmothhan and International Rivers at Dehradun
A primer on what, why and how of environmental flows - the reasons for declining flow of rivers and need for adequate water. Posted on 24 Jun, 2012 04:39 PM

What do we see our rivers as? Are they merely conduits for water that is to be used to its fullest extent? Or are they valued and revered ecosystems? The Himmotthan Society, Dehradun and International Rivers, U.S.A., hosted a discussion a workshop on ‘Environmental Flows’ at Hotel Madhuban, Dehradun on 08 June 2012 that sought to clarify the issues around these questions.

A Primer on the What, Why and How of environmental flows, authored by Dr. Latha Anantha (River Research Centre, Kerala) and Parineeta Dandekar (South Asia Network on Dams, Rivers and People, SANDRP) and published by International Rivers, was shared with the participants.  The presentations made during this workshop are presented in this article.A collage of images of the Jog falls before and after damming of the river

The legendary Jog falls are a shadow of their former self after damming (Courtesy: Dr.Latha Anantha)

Workshop on environmental flows, Himmotthan Society and International Rivers, June 8, 2012, Dehradun
Posted on 23 May, 2012 04:12 PM

Organisers: Himmotthan Society and International Rivers

Venue: Hotel Madhuban,
            Rajpur Road,

Himmotthan SocietyInternational Rivers


"The Himmotthan Society works in the field of rural development in the Central Himalayan regions of Northern India. The various programmes of the Society reach approximately 900 villages across the northern states of Uttarakhand and Himachal Pradesh, directly involving over 50,000 families.

Since 1985, International Rivers has been at the heart of the global struggle to protect rivers and the rights of communities that depend on them. We work with an international network of dam-affected people, grassroots organizations, environmentalists, human rights advocates and others who are committed to stopping destructive river projects and promoting better options.

Workshop on Aviral and Nirmal Ganga and Yamuna, Ganga Action Parivar, April 8 -10, 2012, Parmarth Niketan, Rishikesh
Posted on 08 Apr, 2012 01:18 PM

Organiser: Ganga Action

Venue: Ganga Action Office,
            Parmarth Niketan,

Ganga Action 

Ganga Action is a global family of professionals, engineers, scientists, activists, government leaders and devoted volunteers from all across the world dedicated to serving Mother Ganga. It is a sincere effort to provide effective and sustainable solutions for the millions of people whose lives depends on the purity of the river.  This project has been blessed and supported by saints, scholars, yogis, economists, scientists, environmentalists and agriculturalists.

National seminar on decentralized governance in water and sanitation in rural India, National Institute of Adminstrative Research, June 26-28, 2012, Mussorie
Posted on 07 Feb, 2012 12:13 PM

Organizer: National Institute of Administrative Research (NIAR), Mussoorie
Ministry of Drinking Water and Sanitation, Govt. of India

Venue: Lal Bahadur Shastri National Academy of Administration, Mussoorie


The National Institute of Administrative Research, Lal Bahadur Shastri National Academy of Administration, Mussoorie in collaboration with the Ministry of Drinking Water and Sanitation, Govt. of India is organizing a three days National Seminar on Decentralized Governance in Water and Sanitation in Rural India from June 26-28, 2012 at Mussoorie. The National Seminar is dedicated to academic discourse and practitioner engagement on Governance issues in the Water and Sanitation Sector.  The papers received will be presented and documented in the form of a book after a peer review.

HIFEED is looking for personal assistant at Dehradun – Apply by July 10, 2011
Posted on 07 Jul, 2011 08:58 PM

Content courtesy: DevNetJobsIndia

Himalayan Institute For Environment, Ecology & Development (HIFEED)Himalayan Institute For Environment, Ecology & Development (HIFEED), a leading voluntary organization of Uttarakhand, is a secular, non profit and non-governmental organization working for upliftment and sustainable development of mountain communities since 1995 without discrimination of race, caste, creed, sex, community and religion.

National awards for Excellence in Forestry by Indian Council of Forestry Research and Education - Apply by 30th June 2011
Posted on 18 Apr, 2011 08:51 AM

Indian Council of Forestry Research and Education (ICFRE)Nominations/applications are invited for four “National Awards for Excellence in Forestry by ICFRE“ for the period 2008-2010 on biannual basis. These awards shall be given for original and outstanding notable work/research contribution in the fields of (a) Forest Education (b) Forest Research (c) Forest Extension.

One of the four awards called “Young Scientists Award in Forestry” shall be given only to the scientist with 40 years or less of age, with work preferably linked to the project(s) of ICFRE.
