Spring clusters of Doon valley: Extensive modification of the environment has taken place due to human intervention in the Doons

Doon valley is known for its spring clusters. The mountain flanks of the Doon valley have a chain of swamps.  Extensive aquifers of Doon spring clusters provide significant/sufficient storage of water. These spring clusters have hydrological effects such as promoting ground water recharge, intercepting rain and storing rain water.

Naturally vegetated buffer around the spring clusters also act to maintain water quality through parcel removal of sediments from runoff passing through it. The spring clusters have integrated the needs of man and nature and extended sustainable development in the Doon valley. It was made possible by eco-sensitive development and community sensitive management of resource pool from spring clusters. Water intensive agriculture and development of large infrastructure for irrigation at Dehradun, indicates to same water sensitive planning.

Decreasing recharge, depletion of aquifers discharge and eco-restoration of spring clusters have a combination of challenges and opportunities for sustainable development.

Modification of natural environment

An extensive modification of natural environment of Doon spring clusters has taken place in the recent years. Human undue changes- mining, overgrazing, deforestration and cultivation, dramatically/significantly altered the physical environment around the spring clusters . These anthropogenic interventions have reached far into the recharged zone of springs. It has significantly altered the ecology and also geomorphology of spring cluster. It has resulted in both extensive and prolonged modification to natural environment. Among the serious changes are damaged hydrological processes- infiltration, recharge and runoff.

Degradation reinforces and accelerates damaging processes leading to irreversible changes. Degradation of natural environment of spring cluster have reduced the flow of water, thus inhibited ecological and economic development in the Doon Valley.

These severely degraded areas usually require eco-restoration of springs and management of aquifer recharge, besides sustainable development of depleted resource pools.
