Need information on resources for water quality standards

 I wish to know, if their is any website available, which give complete information about the water quality standards of India? Besides "WATER QUALITY MONITORING…

Need a low cost RWH system in hilly area with stream in Ratnagiri, Maharashtra

I live in Mombar, Pacherisada;  Jila:Ratnagiri  ;  Taluka Gohagar; District Maharashtra. My farm & residence are in a centre of a hilly area. We have water…

Sewage treatment plant options -Need operating and construction costs for both options

Please advise which is the best system for 250KLD sewage water treatment plant. Packaged type Sewage Treatment Plant based on SAFF technology or ACME ?

Floods in Bihar and elsewhere - Concerns regarding connection with climate change


I am concerned about the recent floods in Bihar and other parts of India, apparently the worst floods in living memory. I would like to know what is the…

Treatment technolgies for effluents containing arsenic and other chemicals


Are there any advanced technologies for treating effluent containing Arsenic and other heavy metals.


Costs of effluent treatment and RO treatment for different industries

I am a Prof in Economics at Osmania University Hyderabad, working on waste water treatment by industries.
I would like to know the cost of ETP treatment (…

Minimum distance between sewage and drinking water lines in Kharaghpur, West Bengal

Dear Sir,
1) We have a municipality drinking water connection at our residence. We have our house in Kharagpur, West Bengal.
2) The water supply line…

Transmission losses for water

   My name is sitaram and i am an engineering graduate. It is out of interest that i am asking the following question. Recently in a discussion we had, i came…

Mud in borewell water - Need a solution

Our borewell contains mud in it. The borewell was dug 6 months back and we were kind of hoping we shall get pure water after some time. Is there any way to get…

Instrument to measure NPK for hydroponics

Is there a meter to read the npk in a hydroponic resovoir ?  I mean to read how much nitrogen is in the water, as well as phosphorous and potassium, and anything…

Bad borewell water during rains in Purasaiwalkam, Chennai, Tamil Nadu

I live in Chennai (Purasawalkam). I have a borewell in my residence which is about 130 feet deep. This was comissioned in 2004. In the recent years (specifically after August 2006), the…

Recycling bath water for toilet flushing

How do I recycle domestic bath water for toilet flush.. considering that space in the ground is a limitation. Any ideas / technologies available?


Content of various chemicals in drinking water


 How much is the content of Calcium, Mg, Na, K, Cl, Na, Sulphate, P-Alkalinity, M-Alkalinity in terms Of ppmas CaCO3 present in drinking water.

Legal issues in groundwater

What are the different legal issues relating to ground-water in India?


Approaches to the participatory water-budgeting in a community working on Arkavathi river basin, Karnataka

How can we do water budgeting in a participatorty way with the community in a given sub-watershed? (in lay language) Wha are all the aspects we need to take into…

Reducing hardness in domestic water in Palakkad district, Kerala

I have a question regarding how to reduce the salinity of water. I reside in the district of Palakkad Dist., Kerala. Our house uses well water as well as bore…

Magnetic water treatment technology for softening water in Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu

Is Magnetic Water Treatment a proven method for effectively softening hard water?

I have a farm in Coimbatore.…

Need professionals to conduct impact evaluation for water harvesting projects

We work with an NGO and are looking for professionals with expertise in sustainable water and natural resource management to conduct an impact evaluation of 80 of…

Need suggestions for filter products for suspended particles in well water in Karwar, Karnataka

    My house is in Karwar City of karnataka state.In our area there is no muncipal water supply,we depend on well water.The well water here is slightly…

Climate change adaptation in water, agriculture and coastal area management - Need experiences and case studies

From Preeti Soni, Energy and Environment Division, UNDP, New Delhi
Posted 27 November 2007

Climate change is…
