Water softening technology options and costs for villages in India

What are the methods of changing hard water to soft water & which is the cheapest method which can be implemented in the rural areas? What will it cost per…

Need consultation for rainwater harvesting in Katwan, Burdwan, West Bengal


Awards for water journalists

Are there any award for journalists who write on water related issues?


Options for hard water treatment for an apartment in Bangalore, Karnataka

Hi ,

I live in an apartment in Bangalore at a place called Bellandur near the outer ring road. I am using a normal…

Safe practices / manuals to reduce deaths/accidents of sewerage workers

 I am N. Meenakshi Sundaram, an engineer of Chennai metro water board working in the water and sewer sector for the past 30 yrs. Often accidental deaths of sewer workers occurs during the O&M…

Need a list of organisations looking at community management of groundwater

Which are some of the groundwater organizations in the country looking at community management of groundwater?

Effect of consuming food grown with water containing excess fluoride

How much is understood about the connection between consuming food grown using water with excess fluoride and health/fluorosis? There are several projects and…

Volunteering for development projects along the Godavari river

I'll be visiting India for a six month period beginning early November.  This is my seventh visit, having previously assisted at a small Canadian NGO in South…

Need drinking water case studies where ICT tools have been used - Need data on drinking water using the tools

From Megha Phansalkar, Water Supply and Sanitation Department, Government of Maharashtra, Mumbai
Posted 28 September 2007

Purification methods for borewell water contaminated with sewage

The borewell water in our flats seems to have been contaminated with sewage water. Our flats is equipped with a septic tank and an additional soak pit to take…

Case studies of usage of ICT for drinking water supply in India

I am Working as Knowledge Management Specialist with the Water and Sanitation Department , Government of Maharashtra. We are scaling up community-driven…

Water conservation in kitchen, schools and offices

If water is going to be the next oil, every one around the world needs to save it.
Assuming that many citizens of India either go to kitchen, or school or…

Waste water treatment systems in apartments

Many apartments in cities are setting up waste water treatment plants to recycle  waste water and use it for non-potable purpose.

Need details of arsenic field testing kits for import in Pakistan

We are a Pakistan-based scientific and medical diagnostics trading concern.

We are looking for import of test kit…

Sustainability risks for businesses using lot of ground water

What are the sustainability risks for businesses which use a lot of ground water - the risks from neighbourhood communities, activisits, shareholders in India, global shareholders, media, NGOs ?…

Awareness about water conservation in industries

I would like to know of any presentation on Awareness for Water Conservation in Industries?

- Ajit…

Revolving fund for household water sanitation facilities in Madhya Pradesh - Need experiences and referrals

From Kulwant Singh, UN-HABITAT, New Delhi
Posted 28 August 2007

Dear Members,

Career oppurtunities after M.E. in environmental management

Hello. I am Monica, doing my M.E. in Environmental Management. I would like to know about career opportunities for me after graduation.

What aeration technologies are common and available in India?

What aeration technologies are common and available in India?

Eutrophication – Ways of reviving dead lakes and removing N&P

If a lake becomes completely dead eg. due to excess amount of N & P (Eutrophication, algal bloom), is there a solution 
