Supply chain for domestic water consumption

What is the supply chain of water for domestic consumption in India:

· Extraction: Various methods of  extracting…

Discrimination and exclusion in accessing water resources in Orissa – Need inputs and experiences

From Sarbeswar Sahoo, Kalpataru, Orissa
Posted 9 January 2008

I am associated with Kalpataru (a registered…

Is low-TDS water in Delhi safe for drinking ?

The water supplied by Delhi Municipal Authorities is of approx. 400 TDS, whereas the TDS of the boring water is approx. 800. And I…

How to identify good borewell drilling points in Bangalore, Karnataka?

How can I identify groundwater points/location for drilling borewell; as well the approximate depth ?  I want to drill a at Bangalore Rural Nelamangala area.…

Laws regarding water conservation, quality and usage for public and industries

Is there any rule as per law for water use, quality and saving for general public, industries?

What is the role of the state govt. in this regard?

Ravi Nitesh


Design and operational questions regarding treatment plant

Dear Sirs,

              1. What are the requirements for designing water treatment plant , effluent treatment…

Handover of STP plant in Saudi Arabia - Need information on documenation and knowledge transfer

Hello Friends,

                 I am working as a WTP&STP plant supervisor in Saudi arabia. Now our stp plant…

Recent temperature data for Jamshedpur, Jharkhand

I would like to know the maximum and minimum temperatures from 20.12.07 to 5.01.08 for major cities of India including Jamshedpur


Maintanance and protection of infiltration wells

My name is T.S.Prasad
I would like to know about  how to control silt entrance in to infiltration wells during floods  and how to protect the area around…

Need the amount of funding available for water and sanitation to NGOs in a year

May I request you to provide information on the approximate quantum of funding available for water and sanitation to Non government organisations from both…

Technology to reuse sludge from offshore drilling to marketable bitumen

Our client is looking at technology that can reuse the sludge from offshore drilling to marketable bitumen. The technology need to be compact and all in one.…

Solution Exchange discussion: Climate Change Adaptation in Water, Agriculture and Coastal Areas -Experiences

Compiled by Gopi Ghosh, Resource Person and Ramya Gopalan and T.N. Anuradha, Research Associates

Climate change in coastal areas - Need related research and documentation


Dear Sir,
We are a Non Government Organization named "People's Learning Centre"-Utthan, we are working in coastal area of Gujarat specificly…

Silica treatment for borewell water

I there any method for silica ( Collidal ) treatment  from the borewell water other RO
Narasimha Rao

LCPD for WTP and STP design

How can I calculate the total water consumption for a person in urban area condition for WTP and STP plant design

Bad quality water from well in Calicut, Kerala - Need an economical purification method

I am living near calicut . My house construction is going on and it is at the final stage now. My problem is with the well water. The well was constructed 2 years…

Worms in bottled water supply

Hi, I am not sure if this is the right forum to ask this question. One day back, I took a 20ltr packaged drinking water bottle for my consumption. To my…

High BOD,COD and foaming in treated effluent - Need ways to reduce


I am working in light Engineering (Bicycle manufacturing) industry, having Effulent tretament plant.
We are facing following probelm to meet…

How to access older CAG reports related to the irrigation sector?

I am currently interested in examining the performance of irrigation projects....esp. as assessed by the CAG (Comptroller and Auditor General).
 In the CAG…
