Odour in the treated water from the sewage treatment plant in an apartment in Bangalore, Karnataka - Need help

Hello all,

I stay in a 90 apartment building in Bangalore. We have a sewage treatment plant, and the treated water is circulated to the flush. However, this water has lot of foul odor. We…

STP at the basement of an apartment complex - Need to know the impact on the life and performance of the plant and what can be done to balance it

Like many apartment complexes our complex also has the STP in the basement. It was commissioned about 2 years back. It has an aeration process; we use about 70% of the output for the gardening. We…

Inputs needed on communication strategy on "Save Water and Save Electricity" - Need process documents, and references

The demand for water and electricity is going to go up exponentially, both in rural and urban areas. There is need for sensitizing masses towards “judicious” use of water and electricity.…

Borewell failure - Need advise on going about a second borewell

Dear Sir,

I am planning to buy a plot in which already one borewell has been dugged and this borewell is failure because there was a rock after 150 feet.

Is it advisible to go for a…

Need the best way to interconnect borewell, sump and OHT in Bangalore, Karnataka - Need advise on best pump for household use

I am looking to construct a house and intend to build a sump of 10k litres with a borewell and OHT of 5k litres sintex tank.

my contractor advised me that you can have the borewell pump…

TDS level is 612 in borewell water in Bangalore, Karnataka- Need to know the water filter system to go for

I am home user - living in a gated community in bangalore with borewell water is supplied, get collected in a sump tank- is pumped to overhead tank for supply to the house.

I also have rain…

How do vetiver hedgerows increase groundwater?

It is known that Vetiver hedgerows increase ground water and allow streams to flow continuosly even during summers. But I am not satisfied with the explanations on how vetiver does it. The main…

Need data for rainfall intensity calculation - Are there case studies available on the subject?

What is the exact data required for rainfall intensity calculation?

How many years data required?

whrere this data can be available?

Which are the technical papers submitted on…

Need cost estimates of rainwater and grey water system

I am a postgraduate student currently studying at the University of Sheffield. I am now in the middle of my Masters in Sustainable Architecture Studies.As part of completion requirement of my…



Comparison of water tariff and rules in Orissa with different states of India - Need reports/data for the same

Recently, Govt of Orissa (GOO) revised the water tariff after 16 years.…

Tests for checking suitability of drinking water before installing a water purification system in a house in Chennai, Tamil Nadu


We want to install a water purification system @ our house.I wanted to know what tests should be done for choosing the best suited water purification system.

One of the RO…

Groundwater regulation under consideration for Andhra Pradesh

Alarmed at the unsustainable groundwater usage in farming and resulting enormous public distress, the AP government is working on legislation to remedy the situation. The legislation is likely to…

Chromium recovery and reuse in tanneries - Need consultants & advisors for a start-up specialising in chromium recovery

VellHart Solutions is a start-up venture between Indian and American students. We participated in the 2010 ACARA Challenge (http://acarainstitute.org/) and…

Grey water treatment with radiation - Is it possible?

I have an imagination of treating gray water with the help of radiation and recycle for the use of toilet flush instead of treating with chemical. When we can use radiation to preserve food why…

Water pressure planning in dental clinic in Delhi with a water tank inside the clinic

I have a dental clinic at first floor in delhi under construction.

Due to few reasons we are installing a water tank (300-500 lt) inside the clinic at 11 feet height. While, the chairs would…

Please suggest HDPE pipe size determination for borewell in Indore, Madhya Pradesh

We recently (mid of July) digged 6" borewell up to 455 ft in Indore location. Casing installed is 22 ft. According to the Boring Agent water stuck is 2". We are planning to install 2 HP pump. Can…

Need a solution for bad odour in the borewell water in Malappuram district, Kerala

Dear Sir ,

I am residing in Tirur .malappuram district ,kerala state . in my bore well  water become clean &  but littel fade colour that is ok . but problem is taste . it is like quarry…

Improving water and sanitation services in Bihar – Need inputs in formulating the program

From Prakash Kumar, DFID Sector Reform Programme, Patna

Posted 23 July 2010

I work with the Health sector…

Recharging borewell with filtered rainwater in a house in Bangalore, Karnataka - Will it contaminate the borewell water


I recently got a borewell dug in my place and found 3 sources of water (370 - 1inch, 460 - 1inch, 570 - 3inch water sources). I stay in Bangalore and my house had always struggled for…
