Comparison of water tariff and rules in Orissa with different states of India - Need reports/data for the same

Recently, Govt of Orissa (GOO) revised the water tariff after 16 years. (News pasted below)

In Orissa, water tariff is governed under Orissa Irrigation Rule '1961

We are exploring whether we have a comparision of  the rates prescribed by GOO with the prevailing tarfiff (for industry and agariculture) in other states of India. We also seek to know which rules (as compare to Irrigation Rule in Orissa) do govern industrial water distribution in these states? Are there any comparision of the water tariff due to and paid by industries? It will also be useful to learn whether the increasing rates has lead to restrain/judicial use or theft/bribing

Can anybody help us locate some report/study/paper on these?


Pranab R Choudhury

Odisha State Center for Forum for Policy Dialogue on Water Conflicts in India & Odisha Water Forum

BHUBANESWAR: The State Cabinet on Friday approved water tariff hike for industrial, commercial and energy sectors. Keeping in mind the price rise scenario, the Government did not touch the domestic front.  The Cabinet meeting, chaired by Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik, decided to amend the Orissa Irrigation Rules, 1961. After the hike, the Water Resources department hopes to collect ` 200 cr from the commercial/industrial sector and ` 6 cr from the energy sector. The water rate was last revised in 1994.  The tariff will have two slabs. One for consumption up to 5 cusecs of water, the other for use exceeding the amount. The rate of water has been fixed as per the Chhattisgarh model. The rate for manufacturing of 1,000 tiles or bricks, which was ` 5 for drawal of water from Government sources, has been revised to ` 25. The rate for drawal of water from irrigation/works department sources will be ` 30, up from ` 6. Similarly, for use of less than 5 cusecs water by industries or for commercial purposes, the rate has been revised to ` 1,550, up from ` 200 for one lakh gallon from Government sources. Use of water from department sources has been enhanced to ` 1,900, up from ` 250.  For industries using more than 5 cusecs water, the rate from government sources for one lakh gallon has been revised to ` 2,050, up from ` 200. From department sources, it will be ` 2,550, up from ` 250.  Small-scale industries will have to pay ` 4.50 for 1,000 litres compared to ` 3.40 earlier from government sources while from department sources, it will be ` 5.60, up from ` 4.20.  The rate for use of groundwater has also been revised. For industries consuming less than 5 cusecs, the rate for one lakh gallon has been revised from ` 200 to ` 3,100. For more than five cusecs, the rate has been revised from ` 200 to ` 4,100.  For the first time, water rate will be charged for use in hydro-power projects. The rate for production of 1 kw power by using water from government sources will be 4 paise while from department sources, it will be 5 paise.  Official sources said financial performance of the irrigation sector has not been satisfactory as the gap between income and expenditure is widening.
