Flood plain area map required for survey of flood risk at our facility in Navi Mumbai - Where can I get the map?

Hi Team,

This is Brahma Reddy, CtrlS Datacenters Ltd, Mahape, Navi Mumbai. We are in datacenters business, and have set up Asia's largest Tier-IV data center. As part of our internal…

What are the methods to be followed to prevent borewell collapse in Bangalore? Can any expert agency help us with this?

Warm Greetings!

This query is from Nagavara, Bangalore. We have two borewells for our apartment and they both function very well. The depth of each borewell is 550' and dia is 6.5". In…

I want to implement RWH at home and use the water for flushing toilets. What filter would be appropriate?

Since the rainwater is to be used for toilet flushing purpose only there is no need for any filter. The roof needs to be kept reasonably clean that’s all. If necessary a grating can be fixed at…

Double pits collect sewage water from a house with no drainage. Can a borewell located 15 ft from the pits be contaminated?

Contamination depends on, how the bore well is constructed. If the bore well is provided with deep casing pipe and the static water level is much deeper and the gap between the bore well casing…

A GI pipe conveys water from an RCC tank at ground level to an overhead tank. The pipe rusted in 6 months. What's the reason?

Water being acidic is one of the major reasons for the rusting/corrosion of the GI pipe. GI is no longer the most suitable material for water. Plastics like PVS/HDPE/PP are the current materials…

A borewell dug in Bangalore expecting water at 800 ft only found rock till 1000 ft. Is there any hope of getting water from it?

A dry bore well during drilling can be water bearing after some time. You may check whether this has happened to your dry bore well. You may find some useful information in this regard at …

Our borewell has suddenly dropped in yield. There are lots of other borewells in the neighbourhood. What can we do?

To enhance yield in the bore well, you can opt for multi hydro-fracturing methodology, as it looks like your bore well is surrounded by fractured zones at deeper levels. May be some of the main…

Soak pit fails to diffuse sewage - Wastewater accumulates and overflows into the septic tank - How can it be rectified?

I am Mrs. Abirami Bahirthan

I live in an apartment, which comprises of 12 houses,

The issue is with the soak pit. Last year after nearly 1.5 years of usage, the soak pit…

The quality of water in a borewell is good in summer but degrades immediately after rains. Any treatment measures possible?

Well water becoming bad with lather and foul smell in every rainy season but turning good in other seasons indicates poor construction quality of the bore well.

Groundwater in hard rock…

Decentralized wastewater treatment- Is there any project where treatment unit was constructed adjacent to urban waterbody?

Dear India Water Portal community,

GIZ, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit, together with a local NGO is preparing an adapted decentralized treatment concept for a…

My borewell has muddy water, but the water from neighbouring borewells is clear. What could be the reason for this?

Possible reasons are,

Loose fitting of casing pipe. The seepage water from the top loose formation while trickling down will carry the colloidal clay particle and enter into the bore well…

The water yield from a 10 year old borewell has reduced considerably. Lowering the pump has not helped. What can be done?

The static water level in the borewell has gone down considerably. The low H.P submersible pump is unable to lift the water from present deeper depth…

What steps can we take in case of silting of borewell?

It is clear that well development and construction was not done properly. A professional driller prepares litholog,time log and variation in the hammer sound and decides about insertion of blank…

Need help in setting up a packaged drinking water plant in Amritsar, Punjab

Please help us in setting up a packaged drinking water plant in Amritsar, Punjab.
You can contact me at 9915047795

What are UPVC Pipes and how reliable and cost-effective are they?

As it is difficult to make extrusions using polyvinyl chloride (PVC), it becomes necessary to add plasticizers to make the compound pliable. As plasticized PVC is dense, brittle and susceptible to…

How to calculate HP of submersible pump for a particular application and what all factors should be taken into consideration?

Every pump manufacturer provides a Head-Capacity curve or a Table that says how much water to expect from what depth for a given HP and efficiency range. Obviously deeper one installs a pump, less…

While drilling a borewell water gushed out of a nearby borewell. Now there is no water coming from the new well. Any suggestion?

Try to drop a small pebble (glass marble) , approximately 5 mm in diameter and measure the amount of time it takes to touch the water. The thumb rule is about 15 ft per second hence if water is at…

What is hydrofracturing and when is it useful?

Hydrofracturing is a well development process that involves injecting water under high pressure into a bedrock formation via the well. This is intended to increase the size and extent of existing…

Looking for flood plain maps of Mumbai for last 100 to 500 years - Can anyone help me in this regard?


I am looking for flood plain maps for last 100 to 500 years for the city of Mumbai. Did reach out to the local Municipal Corporation, besides the local chapters of IMD and GSI, but have…

What is videographing used for?

Video graph or camera test is useful only to ascertain the type of formation and sequences of the strata encountered. Video testing can be done in the water column to analyse and reassess the…
