Soak pit fails to diffuse sewage - Wastewater accumulates and overflows into the septic tank - How can it be rectified?

I am Mrs. Abirami Bahirthan

I live in an apartment, which comprises of 12 houses,

The issue is with the soak pit. Last year after nearly 1.5 years of usage, the soak pit installed by the builder become obsolete and permanently failed to diffuse sewage water to the underground. As we result, the entire sewage water got into the septic tank and forced us to pull water.

Then after consultations with the some Engineers, we have installed a new soak pit with 10 feet depth and 3.5 feet dia in the corner of the premises where our Genset is placed. And got all the sewage water (only kitchen & bathroom waste) into the new choke pit and the toilet waste continue to flow into the septic tank. Thereafter, there was no problem for a year.
After a year of consuming the waste water, now this new soak pit also failing to consume water. As a result, the waste water gets accumulated and overflowing into the septic tank and the septic tanks gets filled once in 3 – 4 days. So, we are once again facing the threat of paying hectic money in vacating the water from septic tank through the private trucks.
This is the major problem for which I need  a solution.