What is the commonly used method for drilling borewells in Bangalore?

It is the normal practice to drill 6½-inch bore wells in the hard rock areas of Bangalore with blank casing installed deep into the hard rock and no casing pipe at all beyond that depth so that…

Sand encountered while drilling a borewell in Bangalore. What are the implications to the borewell?

The driller probably reached this sandy layer after pinching out a hard clay layer and sand was coming out below the clay roof. Then its better not to put the strainer and keep it open at the…

The only space for drilling a borewell in a house site is the parking area with a 10 ft roof. How to drill a borewell here?

The geology of Bangalore is such that bore wells can be drilled by using Down-The-Hammer (DTH) rigs requiring several tens of feet space for up-and-down vertical movement of the drilling shaft.…

An open well close to a building has only 3 ft wide space to access it. Can a bore well be dug inside the open well?

Next to the open well, one can drill a 4” diameter borewell, with compressor fitted stand drilling rig. In that case, it is not necessary to take the rig very close to the point of drilling. But…

A borewell dug 3 yrs ago to 500 ft with water available at 470 ft. Any options to increase the water source in the borewell?

The best course of action would be to find out a local pump supplier who can test your borewell and install a suitable pumpset that discharges enough water. If enough water does not come out, then…

One borewell is connected to another 6 ft away contaminated from sewage lines passing nearby. Any suggestions?

The contamination will move towards the new borewell also as there is a direct linkage which was established while drilling itself. More over 6 ft is not enough distance to ensure clean water.…

A 20 ft pipe connected to a pump has fallen into the borewell. Is it possible to retrieve the pipe?

Due to wear and tear or corrosion, the falling of pipe and motor is quite common in bore wells. The bore well companies and pump mechanics have special tools to fish out the same. Kindly contact a…

How to get remote sensing map (GIS) for a particular area in Sangli district, Maharashtra


Please inform me about how to get remote sensing map (GIS) for a particular area in Sangli district, Maharashtra.

Drilled 3 borewells in agricultural land, but no water - How can we identify groundwater source?

Respected sir

This is Sivareddy. We have drilled three points in our agriculture land but there is no water. We have lost Rs. 45,000. Please give us good suggestions regarding how to…

No safety provision for sewage disposal in colony in Sarvali, Thane- Surrounding waterways polluted - Who should we complain to?

We are residing in a huge colony. In this colony, the builder has not made any provisions for safety tank (for sewage). As a result, all the sewage goes out directly causing water pollution in…

How best can we dispose treated STP excess water from apartments? What are the legally permitted means of disposal?

Dear all,

I live in an apartment complex which has 300+ apartments. We have an STP plant for treating the used water. We use ~ 60% of treated water for gardening and flushing. However we…

Motor stops pumping after few hours, dirty water starts coming out and motor stops working - What can be the reason for this?

I have just managed to get a bore well of 455 feet dug and had got water after 390 feet,  and at 420 feet there was hardly 1 inch water. I installed 2 HP 25 stage submersible pump (CRI) at 430…

Interested in knowing which apartment complexes use STP water for car wash? Was there any opposition from residents?

(Query received over email from Ellen)

Dear all,

We were interested in hearing which apartment complexes use STP water for the car wash and whether you had any opposition from…

Request for digitized copies of Rajasthan ki Rajat Boondein and Aaj bhi Khare hain Talaab by Anupam Mishra

(Query received over email from Maningdoula Thangal)

Dear Sir,

This is to request you for digitized copies of the following two books by the author Anupam Mishra, Gandhi Peace…

Please activate rainfall alerts on my mobile

(Query received over email from Sridhar Revankar)

This is my mobile No : +919964024179.
Please activate rainfall alerts.

Thanking You

Need image of Sambhar lake in Rajasthan for my book on the 'Birds of Rajasthan'

(Query received over email from Rakesh Vyas)

I was looking for an image of Sambhar Salt lake, showing the habitat and chanced upon the photographs posted by you. I would…

Need information on lake conservation in Rajasthan and other parts of India

(Query received over email from Subhash Purohit)

Please let us know the addresses and contacts of organizations working in the field of lake conservation in India and parts of Rajasthan…

What are the rules for disposing treated water from STP plant through public storm water drains for apartments in Bangalore?

(Query received over email by Gijo Thomas)

What is the rule when it comes to disposing treated water from the STP plant through the public storm water drains?

There are 310…
