Power play chokes Korba
The video tells the story of residents of Korba and nearby villages who are affected by the fly ash from power plants which makes Korba the fifth critically polluted area in the country.
Fly-ash dust at CSEB thermal power plant in Korba.
There’s no better gift, Daan Toilet!
Assam’s Jorhat district inches closer to being open defecation-free, thanks to a novel initiative by the administration.
Baghmoria resident Bitul Gogoi poses in front of a newly constructed ‘Daan' toilet donated by Dr Richa Agarwala of Jorhat.
Down in the dumps: Delhi’s waste pickers’ saga
A study by Action India provides insight into Delhi’s recycling nightmare and its unacknowledged waste pickers.
Waste pickers face harrowing occupational hazards and are exposed to toxins in the absence of protective gear. (Image: Ted Mathys, 2009)
Nanomaterial from seaweed can clean toxic water
A team of scientists have synthesised graphene-iron sulfide nanocomposite from abundantly found seaweed Ulva fasciata through direct pyrolysis technique.
The team of scientists who developed the nanomaterial.
Seven reasons why Bengaluru can still run out of water
Citizen Matters looks at what the city should do to manage its water better.
Image courtesy bwssb.org
New technique to monitor coastal landforms
Better surveillance systems will help to keep a check on the excessive exploitation of coastal resources.
The new system will help monitor and understand impacts of natural disasters as well as human activities on coastal ecosystem. (Source: IWP Flickr photos)
How marine algae impact global climate, Indian monsoon
Phytoplankton are often early indicators of change in temperatures and can offer potential to extend the lead time of climate predictions.
One of the parameters that determine the fate of the monsoon is the contrast between land and sea temperatures. (Source: IWP Flickr photos)
Climate change and its impact on water resources
Limiting global warming is crucial in controlling the ill effects of climate change like loss of water.
Climate change could lead to extreme weather events like floods.(Source: IWP Flickr photos)
Filthy fountains spread dengue fear
Water fountains installed in Kolkata for beautification and left abandoned are becoming a health hazard with mosquitoes breeding in the filthy water.
A fountain at Central Park in Salt Lake. Visitors fear that the stagnant water is becoming a breeding ground for mosquitoes. (Pic courtesy: Gurvinder Singh)
Anthropogenic warming and climate change
A study shows extreme rainfall events in India are linked to man-made emissions.
Man-made emissions is one of the reasons for extreme rainfall events in India. (Photo: IWP Flickr photos; photo for representation only)
New hydrogel to help drought-hit crops
A hydrogel from cluster beans is found to increase soil moisture. It can help crops in times of drought.
A new hydrogel comes as a boon to drought-hit crops. (Photo: IWP Flickr photos; photo for representation only)
Mangar Bani: NCR's green patch calls for help
With the threat of urbanisation looming large, the sacred grove of Mangar Bani begs for attention.
Mangar Bani, with its trees, plants, birds and animals, is an ecological hotspot but it is finding it hard to keep builders and land grabbers at bay. (Image: Pradip Krishen, Facebook)
Is your bottled water safe to drink?
A study finds that lack of coordination, poor stakeholder involvement, inadequate training and poor infrastructure hinder the enforcement of bottled water quality standards in India.
Many illegal bottled water manufacturers exist in the market. (Image Source: Wikimedia Commons)
Fluorosis detection: A step towards providing clean water
FKAN’s work on preparing an action plan for the fluoride-affected Remuna block in Balasore shows how proactive policy work can help highlight the issue.
People became crippled in Balasore due to skeletal fluorosis. Image: FKAN