Tackling climate change in Maharashtra
Maharashtra needs to make its agriculture resilient to climate change, urges Watershed Organisation Trust on the eve of World Water Day 2018.
Agriculture needs to be made climate resilient. (Image Source: India Water Portal)
Seeds of discontent
There are various reasons why India’s small and marginal farmers are unhappy.
Farming sector has a lot to worry about.
Engaging students for a better tomorrow
A workshop tries to introduce the importance of drinking clean water to children in a practical and creative way.
School children during the workshop.
Horizontal wells bring more water
Adda boring is emerging as a cleaner alternative to vertical boring keeping farmers happy.
Govind Ram Jat and his team from Rajasthan. (Pic courtesy: 101Reporters)
Can legal compliance address environmental injustice?
Here are two new groundtruthing studies by CPR- Namati environmental justice (EJ) program.
Landfills are a threat to the environment. (IWP Flickr photos; photo used for representation only)
Village heads come together to save Dzongu
In a rare show of solidarity, the panchayat leaders of Dzongu have formed a group, Save Dzongu, that cuts across political differences to save their river.
River Rongyoung which is sacred to the Lepchas is not yet dammed.
Citizens save polluted Bengaluru lake
One of the many polluted Bengaluru lakes, Gottigere lake is being revived, thanks to the intervention of some responsible citizens.
Gottigere residents gather to clean the lake. (Pic courtesy: 101Reporters)
Centre fails to see the wood for the trees
The latest FSI report says India is getting greener. A closer look at the story behind the numbers says otherwise.
India’s forest cover stands at 21.54 percent while its dense forest cover is about 12.26 percent, as per the State of Forest Report, 2017. (Image: Tridib Choudhury, Wikimedia commons, CC BY SA-4.0)
Farmers’ plight: Leaving land for a lesser life
One of the worst affected districts in Andhra Pradesh, Anantapur is seeing its farmers leave their villages for cities due to water scarcity.
Many villages look deserted due to mass migration of villagers to cities for jobs. Houses are abandoned and are getting ruined due to nonuse. (Pic courtesy: 101Reporters)
Arsenic-affected village gets water after two decades
Kaudikasa village’s two decades of struggle with arsenic contamination in drinking water ends with a new government scheme.
Yuvraj Singh, a former sarpanch of Kaudikasa near the tube well reported to have the highest level of arsenic contamination.
Monsoon modelling no ‘blind men and elephant’ story
Though there have been amazing advances in the modelling of weather and climate, no model is perfect.
The current models for monsoon prediction do not always show perfect results due to the intricacies of the monsoon dynamics. (Source: IWP Flickr photos)
Islands float on Delhi lake
Floating wetlands have been constructed on Hauz Khas lake in an attempt to naturally restore it.
Phytoremediation principle is used to convert Hauz Khas lake into a water purifying wetland ecosystem. (Image: Tarun Nanda)
Study of ancient eclipses can unveil past climate trends
The imprint of perturbations in Earth’s rotation called delta T can be deciphered from records of ancient eclipses: Scientists
Scientists say ancient eclipse records in epigraphical inscriptions can help us understand climate change in historical time scales.
Harappans had knowledge of hydraulic engineering
Researchers have found buried archaeological features at Dholavira, one of the important sites of Harappan civilisation in India.
Researchers at the Dholavira site. (Pic courtesy: ISW)