Hot springs harbour microbial diversity
Scientists isolate untapped bacterial cultures from Unkeshwar hot springs on the bank of river Penganga and are studying their metabolic use in enzyme biotechnology and environmental remediation.
The team of scientists from the National Collection of Industrial Microorganisms (NCIM) who are conducting the study at the National Chemical Laboratory, Pune. (Pic courtesy: ISW)
Rajim kumbh: Leave Mahanadi alone
Rajim kumbh mela has left the Mahanadi river crying for attention.
The entrance of the CG government's culture and tourism exhibition venue at Rajim kumbh 2018.
Creating art from waste
Two young entrepreneurs have found a way to manage plastic waste by turning it into useful products. They have also created jobs and increased public awareness around plastic waste.
Amita and Nandan have started a unique enterprise, Aarohana, that turns plastic from garbage into useful products.
Millions wait for toilets and water
While millions of people in India still wait for their share of water and toilets, this year's budget fails to give them any hope.
The state of water supply and sanitation continues to be poor in India.
FREEWAT (Free and Open Source Software Tools for Water Resource Management)
FREEWAT is an open source and public domain GIS integrated modelling environment (the FREEWAT platform) for the simulation of water quantity and quality in surface water and groundwater
How Kakaddara village won water cup
The video tells us the success story of Kakaddara village that won the Satyamev Jayate Water Cup-2017 by efficiently managing its water.
A farm pond in Kakaddara.
Thirsty crops drain India dry
As the country runs out of water fast, India needs to change its game for sustenance. Replacing water-intensive crops with sustainable ones in dry areas is a step in the right direction.
Paddy is one of the thirsty crops. (Photo: IWP Flickr photos)
Invisible water wizards
With government support, traditional water harvesting systems could be revived, upgraded and productively combined with modern techniques.
Through SRDS method, monsoon rain is channelled back through borewells into the underground aquifers where it can be conserved for future use.
Harvesting rainwater effectively
An innovative project makes rainwater harvesting easier and more effective in certain areas of Mewat village with increased groundwater salinity.
The innovation was introduced in a government school building in Untka village located in Mewat district of Haryana.
Dam of consequences
Despite controversies around the Pancheshwar dam proposal and the panic it is creating among the villages around, the project is progressing fast.
The project is expected to submerge 11,600 hectares of mountain area.
Water issues: Take account of socio-cultural question
Prof. Frederic Landy, director, French Institute of Pondicherry speaks to India Water Portal on water and socio-environmental challenges.
A small canal in Chanaute, Birendranagar, Nepal. (Photo: Janak Poudel (CC BY 4.0 SA)
Floating filth mars market on water
Kolkata’s floating market that opened to much fanfare paints a picture of neglect within days of its inauguration.
A fruit stall at the market. (Pictures courtesy: Gurvinder Singh)
What budget has for farm and rural sectors
There is a sharp rise in allocations for rural and agriculture sector in this budget.
The budget has a slew of initiatives to revive the farm sector. (Image: Azhar Feder, Wikimedia Commons-CC-BY-SA-3.0)
Let’s poka-yoke lives of STP operators
10 safety guidelines to ensure STP operators are safe while on duty.
Asia's largest sewage treatment plant at Bharwara, near Lucknow. (Source: IWP Flickr photos; photo for representation only)