Solar water purifier with a difference
With no electricity required and no wastewater, the new purifier works even under cloudy conditions and diffused solar radiation.
NARI solar water purifier (Pic courtesy: ISW)
“Agriculture alone cannot provide for our teeming millions.”
Watershed management is not just to harvest and store water but also to create democratic processes at the village level and enable inclusive, sustainable development that meets the people's needs.
Watershed management. Image source: India Water Portal
Indian villages look to Bhutan for water
No water supply from India, four remote villages in West Bengal are forced to depend on the neighbouring Bhutan for water.
Damini Minj cycles long distance to collect water from Aiba basti. (Pic courtesy: Gurvinder Singh)
Polar effect on global climate
Researchers working in polar regions are coming together to study climate change and its effect on the regions.
Polar regions affect the climate of the entire planet. (Pic source: Pixabay)
Village steps up water revival effort
A temple trust revives an ancient stepwell, comes to the rescue of a water-starved village.
Stepwell in front of Khedamata temple at Modi village. (Source: India Water Portal)
The politics of groundwater
To make access to water adequate and equitable, the focus must shift from water sources to water resources. Science, community participation and cooperation, are key to addressing our water woes.
Climate hotspots to affect India's economy
Seven out of the top 10 climate hotspots in India in the Vidarbha region of Maharashtra, says a World Bank study.
Tribal and poverty hotspots coincide with climate hotspots. (Pic courtesy: Yann, Wikimedia Commons)
Bhaag Nadi Bhaag
A Hindi play about rivers and water by travelling theatre group Swabhav Natak Dal
Bhaag Nadi Bhaag
When solving one health problem triggers another
Studies reveal that efforts at guinea worm eradication have triggered the spread of hydrofluorosis in Rajasthan.
A child drinks water from a hand pump. (Image Source: IWP Flickr photos)
Creating community leaders to tackle disaster
Under UNICEF’s initiative to mitigate disaster risk, community leaders are created to make villages disaster ready.
Village disaster management committee has built sand and boulder spurs to deflect floods at spots where bank erosion takes place. (Pic courtesy: GEAG)
Public hearing for green clearance a sham
There seems to be a rush to approve hydropower projects in Uttarakhand. In the absence of safeguards, this is likely to have adverse effect on the Himalayan ecology and the people.
Public hearing for Jakhol Sankri hydropower project did not take consent of affected communities on a sensitive issue that impacts their lives. (Picture courtesy: Vimal Bhai)
Teesta: Stuck between conflict and cooperation
The ongoing conflict between India and Bangladesh over the Teesta is political with little to do with the river itself. Is there any hope for the river?
The Teesta, upstream of the Gajaldoba barrage in West Bengal. (Image Source: Gauri Noolkar-Oak)