Critiques of Maharashtra water resources regulatory authority act 2005
Live mint & the wall street journal and India together criticizes Maharashtra water resources regulatory authority act 2005 for its fundamental flaws.
Climate change or global warming: a primer
This is no ordinary, natural climate change, this is human induced climate change that causes change in temperature, wind patterns and precipitation that occurs over a long period of time.
Water quality testing kits for field use (part 1 of 3)
Water quality testing kits for field use with manufacturers' details
Water quality in various areas of Delhi: survey results of the Clean India Campaign
Development Alternatives did a survey of water quality in various areas of Delhi through its Clean India Campaign
Rural Development Engineering Department, Government of Karnataka, carries an analysis of water sources for its quality in rural villages - A GIS approach
The document deals with the magnitude of the drinking water quality problem which in turn depends on geo-environment and anthropogenic activities.
National water policy and state water policy of Assam, Himachal Pradesh, Karnataka, Kerala, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Punjab, Rajasthan and Uttar Pradesh
The article is a compilation of national and state water policies alongwith a critique of national water policy (2002) by Ranjit Devraj
Discussion and concerns of Rural Volunteers Centre, Akajan on the proposed state water policy of Assam (2008)
The document outlines its concerns on the proposed state water policy based on its involvement, studies and observation.
Rainfall data sources for Karnataka
Reliable, fine grained rainfall data sources for Karnataka
Debate - Private sector approaches to water management for the poor
A debate on Private Sector approaches to Water Management for the poor provides a unique opportunity to learn about private sectro microfinance approaches to water management that have been used for a range of purposes from purchasing household water connections and clean water storage units, like rainwater harvesting tanks to the construction of household latrines.
International summit on "Water Governance- Critical Issues For All" by ASSOCHAM
ASSOCHAM under its Cool The Earth , Initiative is organizing International Summit on "Water Governance , Critical Issues For All"
Regional meeting - "Mazhapolima", Thrissur
Regional meeting to discuss the effects of the Mazhapolima program.
Various sources for rainfall, temperature and climate data of India and World
Find rainfall, temperature and climate data from India Meteorological Department,, National Climatic Data Center, USA
Real-time flood warning map from NASA
National Aeronautics and Space Administration, USA provides realtime map for potential flood areas after 24 hours of rain
Administrative areas categorised as overexploited with respect to groundwater (2006)
The table provides information on status of groundwater use and availability for blocks, mandals, taluks and watersheds on all India basis
Data on urban water supply and sewerage for all major cities in India from the CPHEEO (2001)
The database aims to evolve suitable policy in the field of water supply and sanitation sector and is useful in analyzing the data for implementing suitable programmes in India.
Class 1 (population greater than 1,00,000) towns and cities across India (2001 census) by Central Public Health and Environmental Engineering Organisation (CPHEEO)
The CPHEEO website provides a list of all Class 1 (population greater than 1,00,000) towns and cities across the country.
Basin and water quality map for all major rivers of the country
Basin map for all major rivers of India by Central Ground Water Board, Central Water Commission and water quality map for all major rivers by TERI
Master plan (2002) for artificial recharge to groundwater by Central Ground Water Board
As per this plan, harnessing of monsoon run-off through artificial recharge techniques would be one of the thrust areas in coming years in management of ground water resources.
State-wise data of groundwater contamination by Central Pollution Control Board
Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) provides data on groundwater quality problems due to industrial activities and state-wise details of groundwater contamination
Hydro-power guidelines flawed - An article from India Together
Little attention paid to past failures in the hydro power sector and to the possibility that many of these failures will recur in new projects too