Various sources for rainfall, temperature and climate data of India and World

Rainfall and temperature "normals" for 110 major cities from Indian meteorological department

This "important cities" link gives monthly mean maximum and minimum temperature and monthly total rainfall of important stations for the period 1901-2000 for 110 major cities and towns of India. 

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State-wise rainfall data from is a fee-based website that provides data aggregated from various government sources.

Rainfall data is presented in a variety of formats and for numerous timeframes, for example:

1) average rainfall for the whole of India (1996-2005),

2) Meteorological subdivision-wise actual and normal rainfall in India (June to October, 2006), and

3) Metrological subdivision-wise cctual and normal rainfall for winter season in India (January-February to May 2006).

While these data sets are available directly from government sources at no cost, this site may be useful for those not wishing to conduct detailed internet searches for their rainfall data.

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Climate data from National Climatic Data Center, USA

National Climatic Data Center, USA provides global meteorological and other data. Users can select from various dataset/product options. A few of the datasets/products are free of cost; others are available for a fee. For India, surface data (including temperature and precipitation) for 19 stations in India (mostly major cities) for the years 1900 -- 2005 can be accessed without paying any fee.

Click here to view this data (Select INDIA, and then choose Surface Data, Monthly Global)
Click here for documentation, notes and references

Post By: Rama Mani