Rural Development Engineering Department, Government of Karnataka, carries an analysis of water sources for its quality in rural villages - A GIS approach

Rural Development Engineering Department, Government of Karnataka, carried out an analysis of water sources for its quality in rural villages (during 2000-2001). The GIS database has been used (2003-2004) to develop maps showing spatial variation of specific water quality parameters.  The overall information on ground water quality in the state is presented in the form of tables for each taluk of each district and a composite table for the entire state.

The village wise databases have been generated and analytical data have been grouped into two classes viz., permissible limit and above permissible limit categories. For generating the Iso-concentration maps, surfer, Arc/Info and Arc/View software’s were used to establish water quality relationship with the influencing factors like geology, drainage, soil and habitations. It is clear that Water Quality problems in the state are due to Fluoride, Total dissolved salts, Total hardness, Nitrate, Iron and Bacterial contamination.  The GIS database helps in decision-making process by identifying the most sensitive zones that need immediate attention.

The study concludes that –

  • The initiatives taken by the KRWSSA to adopt a Geographic Information System (GIS) approach to develop spatial information and knowledge based on the ground water quality of Karnataka has been found to be very useful.  Keeping in tune with the initiatives at the national level, the action agenda of Karnataka State is being accomplished with the commitment to provide rural community with safe drinking water. 
  • The GIS database of the entire state, created for the first time in the country would go a long way in water quality monitoring also. The Government authorities should concentrate on water quality monitoring and surveillance strategies for Rural Karnataka.
  • The outputs of water quality mapping exercise provide a synoptic view of the taluk / district / state and would form a powerful tool for monitoring water quality across the state.  The GIS database also helps in decision-making process by identifying the most sensitive zones that need immediate attention. 
  • The planning process can also foresee the quality fluctuations and decide upon the priority, schedule, corrective measures and protection aspects with finer details.

Note: The RDPR (Rural Development and Panchayati Raj) Department of the Government of Karnataka did extensive mapping of groundwater quality in all areas of the state and even deployed the information on a GIS platform. Download the RDPR report here.

Post By: Rama Mani