India's Water Economy: Bracing for a Turbulent Future - A 2005 World Bank Report
"India's Water Economy: Bracing for a Turbulent Future" : A 2005 World Bank Report on the state of water in India
ITC Limited, Kolkata, implements integrated watershed development programme as a corporate initiative (2007)
A multifaceted inititative by ITC, Kolkata, covering 66,723 acres in 450 villages from 23 districts in 7 states
Human Development Report 2006 - United Nations Development Programme
The scarcity at the heart of the global water crisis is rooted in power, poverty and inequality, not in physical availability
Learning from experience - water and environmental sanitation in India - UNICEF report
The report describes the efforts undertaken by UNICEF in collaboration with government of India to achieve total sanitation and water coverage in the country over the period of three decades
Kashmiri water - Good enough for peace?
This article highlights the ongoing conflict between India and Pakistan over the Kashmir issue and the risk of water serving as a valuable resource giving rise to further conflicts in the region
Drinking water and sanitation in rural Madhya Pradesh and Maharashtra- A review of policy initiatives - Forum for Watershed Research and Policy Dialogue
The papers published by FORWARD provides a background on water crisis in India and describes the water and sanitation situation in Madhya Pradesh and Maharashtra
ITC Limited, Munger, Bihar makes water conservation efforts as a corporate initiative (2007)
Measures put into practice at ITC's Munger plant include recycling of back wash water, reduction in domestic water consumption, incorporation of RO plant and an approach to zero waste water discharge
Groundwater quality of Indian states: information sheet from WaterAid and British Geological Survey
The purpose of the sheet is to provide guidance on targeting efforts on water-quality testing and to encourage further thinking on water quality issues
The Asian Water Development Outlook - A document by the Asian Development Bank
A package of factual information, data, experiences, and solutions to problems in water and sanitation sector, presented from future-oriented, multidisciplinary and multisectoral perspectives
Understanding the urban poor's vulnerabilities in sanitation and water supply by Barbara Evans - Centre for Sustainable Urban Development (2009)
The paper highlights the plight of urban dwellers who are excluded from formal systems of water and sanitation service delivery
Impacts of groundwater contamination with fluoride and arsenic- a report by International Water Management Institute
The report analyse the social and economic dimensions of arsenicosis and fluorosis in India
Heavy water plant in Kota, Rajasthan, makes effort to reduce its environmental footprint (2007)
Country's first indigenous heavy water plant, the Kota plant, takes several steps to reduce its environmental footprint in generating atomic energy
Asia water watch 2015 - progress made by asian nations in meeting target 10 of the millennium development goals
The report by the Asia Development Bank aims at assessing the progress made by asian nations, in meeting target 10 of the millennium development goals
Review of effectiveness of rural water supply schemes in India - a World Bank report
The report includes a large-scale empirical analysis of the traditional target-driven (supply-driven) Government programs and the more recent model of decentralized community-driven approaches
Global corruption report 2008 - corruption in the water sector
Corruption affects all aspects of the water sector, from water resources management to drinking water services, irrigation and hydro-power
Water conservation efforts by Hindustan Zinc Limited, Chanderia, Rajasthan
Hindustan Zinc Limited, Chanderia is India's only integrated mine-to-product zinc manufacturer that operates at zero waste water generation and discharge plant