Whose water? Privatisation of water, a bane for consumers
All of us have felt the joy of slaking one's thirst with water, washing away the unforgiving heat of a Delhi summer with a cool glass of water. But have you ever paused to think about where we get our water from? How are we using this resource? Is it finite or will be always get clean water, everyday, for all our needs?
Campaign against pollution of the Aril river in Moradabad district, U.P
A Paper Factory in 16 years changes a beautiful and peaceful area, introduces noise, air, land and water pollution.
Eastern Himalaya freshwater biodiversity assessment report released by IUCN and Zoo Outreach Organisation
The Eastern Himalaya Biodiversity Hotspot contains exceptional freshwater biodiversity and ecosystems that are of vital importance to local and regional livelihoods, but these are under threat from the developmental and use pressures arising from the 62 million people living in the area.
Eastern Himalaya freshwater biodiversity assessment report released by IUCN and Zoo Outreach Organisation
India s groundwater challenges and the way forward
The groundwater crisis is acquiring alarming proportions in many parts of the country. Strategies to respond to groundwater overuse and deteriorating water quality must be based on a new approach involving typologising the resource problems and redefining the institutional structure governing groundwater.
2010: The year of climate records
The year 2010 has witnessed a few climate records that has mounted evidence of climate change the world over.
Nearly half of respondents for online corrosion management survey say little focus for corrosion awareness in India
Control Corrosion in India, an Open Source Knowledge Management group has launched an online survey for Corrosion Management in India on 15 August 2010.
SRI - Less seeds, water , fertilisers lead to greater yields
Farmers innovate and adapt the System of Rice Intensification on their own. Anecdotes narrating their tales of how they help themselves and their fellow farmers
Linear turbine developed in New Zealand - Trials, drawings, videos
Visual documentation of the design and implementation of the Linear turbine
The report of the Krishna Water Disputes Tribunal-II (2010)
The three-member Krishna Water Disputes Tribunal-II, constituted in 2004 headed by Justice Brijesh Kumar gave its judgement on December 30, 2010.
Managing Natural Resources -A report by IDSAsr
Managing the scare natural resources better and how space programme plays a role in this, a seminar of country's brilliant minds take the issue head on.
Articles on rainwater harvesting and river pollution by Janhit Foundation
Articles on rainwater harvesting and river pollution by Janhit Foundation
Booklets on water quality, river pollution and rainwater harvesting by Janhit Foundation
The three booklets discuss the issues of water quality, river pollution, and rainwater harvesting, in detail.
Utility of fresh water flooded forests for large scale water harvesting
This paper explains how the flooded forest trees in Amazon, Mekong and Meghna River can be used for large scale water harvesting wherever water is available and needed.
School hand washing with soap promotion program
Tips on how to put on a fun and practical workshop at rural schools in increase hand washing with soap which includes use of the tippy tap.
Dr. O.P. Rupela's paper, presented at the 3rd Biennial Convention of OFAI at Anand, Gujarat
Dr Rupela in his keynote address to the organic farming association of India does mention SRI along with several other desirable practices for a 'cool' or climate friendly agriculture.
Documentary on mining - "Niyamgiri, You are Still Alive"
Mining on Niyamgiri will destroy its rich biodiversity and wildlife.
Annual climate summary of India during 2010 - Press release by India Meteorological Department
Mean annual temperature for the country as a whole during 2010 was +0.93 0C above the 1961-1990 average. It was slightly higher than that of the year 2009, thus making the year 2010 as the warmest year on record since 1901.
Potential of the System of Rice Intensification for systemic improvement in rice production and water use - The case of Andhra Pradesh
This paper discusses the advantages of system of rice intensification over normal paddy cultivation. The researcher compare the performance of System of Rice Intensification (SRI) and normal rice fields in two mandals (subdistricts) of Mahabubnagar district of Andhra Pradesh. The yields from these two systems and agronomics are compared.
Learning package on Hydrology by the National Institute of Hydrology
A "Learning Package on Hydrology" by the National Institute of Hydrology deals with elements of the hydrologic cycle and explains the processes of rainfall, runoff and evapotranspiration and their interaction.