Assessment of the status of environment and forest clearances of hydropower projects on river Mandakini – A report by MoEF
Studying the environmental impact of Phata-Byung & Singoli-Bhatwari hydro power projects on the river Mandakini. Is it actually a threat?
Water management lessons from the Nandi foothills - SRI technique involves less water
There was a time when one associated the Nandi foothills with the river Arkavathi and a lush green as far as the eye could see. Today, the foothills are populated with eucalyptus plantations.
The Dam Safety Bill (2010) – Ministry of Water Resources
The pending Bill seeks to provide for the surveillance, inspection and operation of all dams of certain parameters to ensure their safe functioning.
Preparation of strategic plan for rural drinking water sector in India – A draft discussion paper by the Department of Drinking Water Supply
Preparing a strategic plan for rural drinking water sector in India with technical and financial details to accelerate coverage across the rural land.
Mitigating climate change through organic agriculture - Keynote address at the Third Organic Farming Association of India Convention, held at Anand, Gujarat (2010)
Green Revolution (GR) technologies, supported by official policies, and fuelled by agro-chemicals, machinery and irrigation, are well known to have improved agricultural production and productivity.
Rainfed areas and rice farming Crucial agricultural water issues
Making up-gradation of rainfed areas a priority for food production and poverty alleviation
Organic SRI rice: Indonesian woman talk about higher yields and health benefits
A participant at the CAP Go Natural fair, Cik Salwatinisa from Tunjong, Kelantan proudly displayed a range of organic SRI rice, farmed and milled for consumption by her company, Sunnah Tani Sdn. Bhd. in Tunjong, Kelantan.
Cancun: Is it a climate meet with a difference?
Despite the pre-Cancun Wikileaks revelation of U.S. strong-arm tactics at the Copenhagen summit, and U.S. climate envoy Todd Stern's remarks about "climate bribery", wherein he said countries asking for aid were in no position to accuse the U.S. of bribery; it is largely perceived that the Cancun Climate Meet has picked up the lost momentum of Copenhagen.
Saving rice - Ambitious plans to increase productivity
Rice is at the heart of a fierce strategy debate as the country prepares to launch the second Green Revolution in the eastern states. Policymakers and scientists have drawn up ambitious plans to increase the productivity of this cereal which feeds two-thirds of Indians.
Rice intensification for increasing productivity in Koraput, Odisha
System of Rice Intensification is new mantra for reducing water usage and increasing productivity
The economic impacts of inadequate sanitation in India: Rs. 2.4 Trillion equivalent of 6.4 per cent of GDP – A report by WSP
Inadequate sanitation causes India considerable economic losses, equivalent to 6.4 per cent of India's GDP in 2006 at Rs. 2.4 Trillion. How to manage human excreta and hygiene?
"Jungle Trees of Central India" - A preview of the field guide for tree-spotters by Pradip Krishen
Jungle Trees of Central India is a lovingly detailed field guide to every tree you're likely to see in the magnificent dry, deciduous forests of the region.
Umiam Lake and Shillong's Rivers: In spite of the odds – An advocacy flyer by Arghyam and Peoples Learning Centre
Cleaning up the water bodies of Shillong: highlighting the main problems, the action underway and potential solutions.
Evaluating and mapping of SCS Curve Numbers for Lokapavani catchment of Karnataka
Analysing data of Lokapavani catchment characteristics that affect direct runoff, such as soil type, land cover and rainfall.
Benefits, issues and status of WATSAN systems - A survey of an IDWM project supported by Arghyam
An integrated approach to domestic water management using rooftop rainwater harvesting, and eco-sanitation toilets and creating models in the rural set-up
Land acquisition for Renuka dam continues despite uncertainties - Press release from the Renuka Bandh Sangharsh Samiti
Protests against Renuka dam fails to stop land acquisitions; owners of the land being resettled against wishes: Cost of Development?
Effluent treatment facilities across Golden Corridor does not conform to GPCB norms – A press release by Paryavaran Suraksha Samiti
In this press release dated 4th June 2010, the Paryavaran Suraksha Samiti expresses concern about he effluent treatment facilities across the Golden Corridor do not conform to the GPCB norms.
Access of the poor to water supply and sanitation in India - Salient concepts, issues and cases by the International Policy Centre for Inclusive Growth
This paper by the International Policy Centre for Inclusive Growth deals with access of the poor to water supply and sanitation in India.
Climate change impacts, mitigation and adaptation - Science for generating policy options in Rajasthan
This paper on climate change impacts in the context of Rajasthan seeks to address the issue of society's need for robust knowledge to pursue strategies for mitigation and adaptation to address the challenges associated with global warming and climate change.
Ecological farming: Drought resistant agriculture – A paper by Greenpeace
This paperelaborates on the drought-resistant crop varieties and calls for policy makers to increase funds for research on the system.