Eastern Himalaya freshwater biodiversity assessment report released by IUCN and Zoo Outreach Organisation

Dear all,

IUCN, with Zoo Outreach Organisation, have today published a new report, 'The status and distribution of freshwater biodiversity in the Eastern Himalaya', which is available online here

Further information on the project itself can be seen here

IUCN and ZOO, with experts from throughout India, are undertaking a similar assessment of the Western Ghats Biodiversity Hotspot region, encompassing all species of freshwater molluscs, fishes, aquatic plants, and dragonflies and damselflies. Further information, due for completion in mid-2011, is available from our website 

Contact Details:
David Allen
Freshwater Biodiversity Unit
Species Programme
IUCN - International Union for Conservation of Nature
Email: david.allen@iucn.org

Post By: David Allen