Agencies monitoring groundwater level in various parts of India in 2011 A list by the Central Ground Water Board

Central Ground Water Board

The CGWB has been monitoring groundwater levels on a quarterly basis during January, April/ May, August and November through a network of about 15000 observation wells located all over the country. This data is used for assessment of groundwater resources and changes in the regime consequent to various development and management activities.

The Hydrology Project has tried to strengthen the groundwater monitoring network and measuring capabilities by increasing the number of piezometers and installing digital water level recorders at select wells to acquire high frequency water level data so as to monitor short term groundwater regime changes. Groundwater samples are collected through these observation wells once a year during the month of April/ May to create background information of groundwater quality changes on regional scale.

Recording of water level in observation well by electrical water level indicator during pumping test - Photo Courtesy: Central Ground Water Board

Recording of water level in observation well by electrical water level indicator during pumping test
Photo Courtesy: Central Ground Water Board

There is no single administrative structure dealing with groundwater monitoring and at the State level also there are agencies involved in measuring and maintaining a database. These agencies include the State Ground Water Department/Directorate/Cell, State Irrigation Department, Groundwater Survey Department/ Agency, Public Health Engineering Department etc. All of them monitor the groundwater level for basic data collection and for a quick indication of changes of the water level.

The comprehensive list of agencies monitoring groundwater level in various parts of the country can be downloaded below -

Post By: Amita Bhaduri