Cloud seeding for India - An effective weapon to fight drought , saysProf. Shivaji Rao

 The more the water wealth of a nation the higher will be the opportunities for achieving high rates of progress in the fields of agriculture production and industrial growth that help in promoting economic wealth, employment opportunities and higher standards of living. Hence the advanced countries are constantly upgrading their water resources by harnessing not only all the ground and surface waters but also by tapping a renewable, virtually unlimited and unexploited sky water resource in the atmosphere in the form of innumerable clouds. Enlightened scientists, bureaucrats, industrialists and statesmen in about 50 countries are frequently using cloud seeding operations for over 40 years for various purposes like

  1. Increase of annual rainfall for drinking and agricultural purposes,
  2. Dispersal of fog in airports and metropolitan city roads
  3. Increase of hydro-power generation at the cheapest cost
  4. Suppression of hail storms to reduce damage to life, crops and properties
  5. Mitigation of devastating impacts of recurring droughts
  6. Mitigation of damaging impacts of global warming and summer temperatures
  7. Iincrease of annual rain fall for improving the forests, wildlife and the environment

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Post By: Varunyantra