What does it take to scale up rural sanitation ? - A working paper by Water and Sanitation Program
This working paper illustrates examples from the field and focuses on some of the key lessons learnt, while implementing the rural sanitation programs
Living rivers, dying rivers: River Godavari
The tenth lecture in the series titled 'Living rivers, dying rivers' was on the rivers of Andhra Pradesh, by R Uma Maheshwari, a historian and freelance journalist.
Godavari river (Source: Wikepedia)
Exploring the change in communication in sanitation: An Arghyam consultation held on 1 August 2012
Arghyam consultation to address issues related to behaviour change communications, information education communication and to understand sanitation.
Dug wells- A potentially safe source of drinking water for the arsenic and iron contaminated region of Bihar - A paper by Megh Pyne Abhiyan (MPA)
Dugwells started losing their significance following installation of handpumps, which led to uncontrolled pumping of groundwater and problems of groundwater contamination with arsenic in Bihar
Is mitigation of climate change in agriculture necessary ? - A lecture by Dr Eva Wollenberg, CCAFS at IARI, New Delhi
This article by Amita Bhaduri provides the details of a lecture by Dr. Eva ‘Lini’ Wollenberg, on climate change mitigation and its relevance for the agricultural sector
Guidelines Nirmal Bharat Abhiyan (July 2012)- A document by Department of Drinking Water Supply
This document includes details of the NBA guidelines elaborated in 23 different sections, followed by an exhaustive list of annexure
Role of thermal power plants and coal mining in local area development and addressing regional imbalance - Note by Prayas to Government of Maharashtra
This report highlights the large number of clearances accorded to thermal power plants in the country and their implications for the environment
Growing food demand strains energy and water supplies - An article in the National Geographic on lessons learnt in Gujarat
This paper highlights the interconnections between energy and water by highlighting the case of Gujarat in India
Share powers with panchayats in Jammu and Kashmir
This article describes the efforts made in Jammu and Kashmir to reintroduce the panchayat system
Why don't Jarawas of the Andaman Islands have a say in development ? An article from Charkha Development Network
This article discusses the amendments made in the Protection of aboriginal tribes regulation, 1956 and questions its implications for the role of the Jarawas in development
No-till farming in Madhya Pradesh could be the answer to global hunger - An article from Charkha Development Network
The article talks about the harmful effects of pesticides and narrates the story of a natural farm in Hoshangabad, Madhya Pradesh
CDM Watch Network India invites comments for latest projects applying for Clean Development Mechanism crediting in India
CDM Watch Network has mobilized thousands of projects and invites comments for latest projects applying for Clean Development Mechanism crediting in India
Thirst in the land of Malhaar - Aamir Khan focuses on water in the 12th episode of Satyamev Jayate
This episode by Aamir Khan and Kiran Rao highlights the importance of water and its increasing scarcity and on the increasing incidences of conflicts over water
Water and a City: A film by Swati Dandekar that narrates the story of water in Bangalore
This film by Swati Dandekar traces the flow of water as it flows through the various households in different economic strata and then flows out in the form of sewage
Augmentation of surface water by ground water from unconfined aquifers (open wells) and fixing mini filter plants and dozing systems for the supply of potable water to Belgaum city- A power point presentation by R.S.Naik
This presentation describes the findings of a project carried out by Belgaum City Corporation, that aimed to utilise ground water from open well to augment surface water supply
Strengthen participatory urban governance to prevent pollution in Ganga at Kanpur and recognise the need to look for decentralized solutions
This article describes the proceedings of the one day Area Water Partnership Conference held on 22nd July, 2012
Manual Scavenging Act and municipal wastewater workers in India, policy and practice - A dissertation
The problem of manual scavenging in municipal waste water disposal precariously prevails since from colonial regime in India
The growth of the Goa iron ore mining industry : Has stretched its infrastructure to the breaking point
There has been much debate on the rampant increase in iron ore mining in Goa and this has been putting tremendous pressure on the resources in Goa