Multiple stocking and multiple harvesting - A useful concept for surplus water in states like Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, West Bengal
Multiple stocking and multiple harvesting (MSMH) is a system of composite fish farming, through which fish production can be augmented by many folds
INSOFAR's Newsletter 2: Innovative organic farming in India,presented by researcher Arun K Sharma at Jodhpur
Arun K Sharma describes the challenges in organic agricultural research. The study can contribute extensively to issues like declining soil quality and biodiversity.
A story of an innovative farmer in Vijayapura - Wastewater reused to grow fodder and even vegetables
This video tells the story of a farmer in Vijayapura who uses wastewater to grow vegetables and fodder
Interstate water dispute and federalism - Governance of interstate river water in India - A paper published in the journal Civil and Environmental Research
This paper examines the methods and policies used before independence to tackle the problem of interstate river water disputes
Urban India 2011: Evidence - A publication by the Indian Institute for Human Settlements
This report sheds light on the gradual urban transition that India is going to go through and presents an analysis of the transition
Sediment contamination due to toxic heavy metals in Mithi river of Mumbai - Paper published in the journal Advances in Analytical Chemistry
This paper discusses the findings of a study that looked at accumulated toxic heavy metals in the sediments of Mithi river of Mumbai and their implications for health and environment
Goa mining policy (Major minerals) 2012 - Draft policy document by Directorate of Mines & Geology, Government of Goa
This document is a draft of Goa's mining policy for 2012 following the reckless exploitation of iron ore in the state
Problems with grease traps: FOG, main cause of unhealthy work conditions giving rise to foul odour
Hiren Pancholi writes about grease trap, which is emerging as a major concern in buildings now.
"Study finds Ganga-Bhagirathi delta slowly disappearing into the sea" - Roundup of the week's news (13-19 August 2012)
The roundup this week includes reports on disappearing of the Ganga Bhagirathi delta, law against overdrawing of power, closure of power plant in Odisha, shrinking of a lake in Kerala
"Assam faces worst ever floods in 10 years": A video interview with Dr. Partha J Das, Programme Head, ‘Water, Climate & Hazard (WATCH)’ Programme, Aaranyak
This article by Usha Dewani provides a brief background of the situation of floods in Assam, their impact and possible solutions, through a video interview with Dr. Partha J Das,
What is new in the Nirmal Bharat Abhiyan - A comparative analysis of the NBA and the TSC guidelines
TSC has been renamed as the “Nirmal Bharat Abhiyan’ (NBA) with the objective of accelerating the sanitation coverage in rural areas. The modifications in the NBA is analysed.
In pursuit of energy efficiency in India’s agriculture - A working paper on fighting free power in India
While about 70% of Indian electricity is carbon-based, a quarter of the nation’s consumption goes into extraction of groundwater for irrigation
Failing the grade - Cities across India are ignoring the informal recycling sector, says a report by Chintan Environmental Research and Action Group
No city in India has recognized the role of informal sector in recycling waste and that waste itself can be a tool to alleviate poverty, argues this report