Roadmap for nature-based and climate resilient livelihoods in Maharashtra
State-level consultation on a roadmap for nature-based and climate resilient livelihoods in Maharashtra ends with a consensus.
Nature based climate resilient livelihoods (Image Source: India Water Portal)
Efforts towards skilling local communities in water management
Enhancing community based water resource management
Women are involved in the process of developing the water budget from a gender lens. (Image: Samerth)
Sheroes: A tribute to women who value water
Beating odds, women water warriors deepen their work on water
Rural women believe in the power of ‘water continuity’ or having sustained and intergenerational access to water resources (Image: Romit Sen)
Mosquito fish – invaders in disguise!
Gambusia or Mosquito fish, inspite of being recognised as highly invasive species, continue to be introduced in freshwater bodies for mosquito control in India. This needs to stop!
Gambusia spell doom for freshwater diversity (Image Source: Gambusia affinis, NOZO via Wikimedia Commons)
Water governance standard and certification system – An answer to the water problems of agrarian India
The recent 'Water governance standard and certification system' developed by WOTR can greatly help villages to develop good governance practices and manage their water needs equitably and sustainably.
Long queues waiting for tankers are common in different parts of Maharashtra during water scarcity (Image Source: WOTR)
Lessons from the Uttarakhand disaster
Experts blame it on projects in ecologically fragile zone
Urban lake governance and sustainability
Applying the social-ecological system framework
Governing and sustaining an urban lake entails improvements in its social and ecological characteristics. (Image: Wikimedia Commons)Wiki
Climate change threatens water access for world’s poorest communities
Clean water plays a critical role in helping communities cope with climate change.
 Unless communities have access to a reliable and safe source of water, their health will suffer. (Image: WaterAid)
Are solar powered irrigation systems scalable in India?
Compendium on solar-powered irrigation in India
 Solar power has huge potential for application in the agriculture sector, especially in the irrigation space. (Image: IWMI)
Energising Bihar’s agriculture
IWMI’s novel experiment in Chakhaji village
Yatin Kumar, one of the early solar irrigation entrepreneurs in Chakhaji (Image: IWMI)
Enhancing water security through responsible tourism
While tourism is on the threshold of expanding in India, water scarcity and quality issues could hinder progress. What could be the way out?
Water tankers cater to the needs of populations in tourist destinations in India (Image Source: India Water Portal)
Decentralized water resources management
Role of village communities and rural local governments
A woman fetching water from the third tap in the house premises. (Image: Ajaya Kumar Behera)
Clean fuel choices of urban India’s poor
Insights from urban slum households across six states
PMUY should expand its reach to urban slum households, given that there are still households without LPG connections. (Image: Adam Cohn, (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0))
The threatened traditional tank systems of Madurai
While traditional tanks systems in Madurai continue to fulfill the drinking water and irrigation needs of the rural population, rapid urbanisation is gradually destroying them!
The dying tanks of Madurai (Image Source: Seetha Goplalakrishnan)
Strengthening the frontline for water security
Challenges and aspirations of community champions and how programs can address them
Kalyani Dash works with 150 households in the village directly and trains them on chemical-free farming techniques, water secure crop production, efficient water use in agriculture for a sustainable farming future as well as kitchen and nutrition gardening. (Image: FES)
Young professionals motivate people to participate in rural sanitation
Involving youth to identify appropriate WASH solutions
The Young Professionals worked closely with the District and aimed to fill the gap of the Swachchata Dooths (Image: SCOPE)
Meandering waterways: the interconnectedness of people’s action on water availability
Water demand and availability cannot be viewed in isolation. It is rather an outcome of the whole set of actions that people undertake to improve their lives and enhance their livelihoods.
Improving water availability in Mogras. Image used for representation only (Image Source: WOTR)