Stories of change: Becoming water abundant by harvesting rainwater
India Water Portal presents you with some inspiring stories of individuals and organisations in India that have adopted exemplary ways to combat water scarcity through harvesting rainwater.
Catch the rain where it falls (Source: IWP Flickr Photos)
Data ecosystem in smart cities
Implications for technology based interventions during the pandemic: Lessons from India
National data policies need to promote standardisation and encourage local innovation (Image: Wikimedia Commons; CC BY-SA 3.0 DE)
Solar irrigation policies in India
A compilation of different state level solar irrigation policies provides a quick snapshot of institutional development of solar irrigation in India.
Different solar irrigation policies in India (Image: IWMI)
Billions lack access to WASH services
If trends persist, billions will be left without critical, life-saving WASH services, says a SDG monitoring report

Between 2016 and 2020, the global population with safely managed drinking water at home increased from 70% to 74% (Image: Pxhere)
Did the moody monsoon shrink forests in peninsular India?
A study finds that while forests existed in peninsular India, they were replaced by savanna grasslands over time. And the weakening monsoon was the culprit!
Savanna grasslands at Nannaj Bustard Sanctuary, Solapur, Maharashtra (Image Source: Raju Kasambe via Wikimedia Commons)
Aspirational Districts Programme, a successful model of local development, says UNDP report
India’s tap water supply increases four-fold in 117 aspirational districts
UNDP India released an appraisal report on transformation of 112 most backward districts recently (Image: Wikimedia Commons, CC BY-SA 3.0)
A just energy transition roadmap
iFOREST looks at challenges and opportunities for a post-coal future in its new report
How the demand for coal is transforming the environment and the people who depend on it (Image: Wilson-Centre, Environmental Change and Security Program, Flickr Commons, CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)
Climate change likely to affect agricultural productivity in Maharashtra
Climate analysis predicts mismatch in rainfall and temperature patterns with crop phenology: Soybean, Cotton, Wheat and Gram crops at risk, finds Institute for Sustainable Communities study across three major regions of Maharashtra.
Maharashtra faces an increasing risk from climate change which is likely to impact the production of four major crops - Soybean, Cotton, Wheat and Gram.  (Image: BAIF Flickr, CC BY-NC-SA 2.0)
When monsoon plays truant!
While the monsoon will become more unpredictable, the accompanying hot and dry extremes due to temperature rise will greatly threaten food production in India, warn these studies.
When the monsoon plays truant (Image Source: India Water Portal)
Urban waterbodies, treasure troves of biodiversity
A study on the Mula-Mutha river stretches in Pune reveals rich biodiversity with presence of a large number of freshwater invertebrate species, including a few reports to the region! Will preserving biodiversity help save the river?
Mula-Ram river confluence stretch at Aundh-Baner link road, Pune (Image Source: Jeevitnadi)
Lakshadweep Islands: Rising sea levels may inundate some islands
Major coastal erosion predicted in Lakshadweep Islands by 2030, says IIT study
Coastal protection measures need to be taken now (Image: Pixabay)
East Kolkata Wetlands – fast turning death traps for aquatic ecosystems?
Freshwater ecosystems in India are known to harbour rich biodiversity, but their health is being increasingly challenged in recent years. And the East Kolkata Wetlands are no exception!
Fishermen use wastewater from Kolkata to rear fish (Image Source: India Water Portal)
Toxic chemicals: A barrier to safe drinking water
Nonylphenol and its ethoxylates in drinking water: A health challenge
Water treatment facilities are incapable of removing many chemical compounds and need to be upgraded (Image: PxHere)
Living with droughts
Special report on drought calls for new management approach
Drought resilience partnerships at the national and local levels will be critical to managing drought (Image: Pixabay; hbieser)
Tropical rainforests of the sea, under threat!
The World Ocean Day this year has come with a dire warning, of the threat posed to coral reefs, important for ocean health as well as the livelihoods of millions of people!
Coral reefs in the Andaman Islands (Image Source: Ritiks via Wikimedia Commons)