Rejuvenating springs in western Arunachal Pradesh
Keeping the traditional water sources alive through science-based interventions
Construction of trenches in the catchment area of Jongjong Gapsa Ri (Image: Phurpa Sangey)
Floods, a boon or a bane?
News on floods often triggers panic and dread in the minds of the people. But, was this always so? Are floods something to be dreaded? Our ancestors did not think so! So why have they become so destructive now?
Floods, a boon or a bane (Image Source: India Water Portal)
What is the price of water in the city of Mumbai?
Poor water governance has cut off several residents from Mumbai's water system, making equal access to all a distant dream.
Water a rare resource in the informal settlements in Mumbai (Image Source: Suraj Katra)
Irrigation from thin air
A super-absorbent gel could help the world's drought-hit farmers
The water-absorbing gel has performed well under lab conditions. (Image:  IWMI Flickr, CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)
Rural realities amid second COVID surge in Telangana and Andhra Pradesh
Rural areas emerge as sites of mass COVID outbreaks
COVID-19 has had an adverse impact on the livelihood of people doing small jobs due to lockdown. (Image: Gospel for Asia; Wikimedia Commons)
When the Ganges spews plastic!
Abandoned, lost or discarded fishing gear not only forms a large portion of plastic waste that the Ganges pours into the sea, it also poses a major threat to the environment and biodiversity!
Ganga river at Gadmukteshwar (Source: IWP Flickr photos)
Not all heroes wear capes, some fight amongst us
Meet these real-life heroes, who with their consistent and tireless efforts created an impact and turned their local areas into examples to follow.
Meet the water warriors who made a significant change in their own unique way (Image Source: Environment Club)
Social solidarity model in COVID-19 times
Kitchen gardening to ensure nutrition security for vulnerable families
Kitchen garden project helps people in pandemic times (Image: Utthan)
Community owned solutions strengthen rural resilience
A local NGO has set up community grain bank services and has mobilised farming families to grow their own vegetables and ensure food security during the COVID-19 crisis in a village in Uttar Pradesh.
Managing community grain banks (Image: Shramik Bharti)
Harnessing runoff to cope with droughts in South India
With north east monsoon playing truant, understanding the reasons for droughts in South India is crucial. Can harnessing runoff help to cope with the increasing dry spells that south indian cities are facing?
The scramble to collect water: Can it be prevented? (Image Source: India Water Portal)
The lessons learnt from Cyclone Yaas
Tropical cyclones are expected to increase in intensity with climate change
Cyclone Yaas slammed into the north Odisha coast near Balasore on May 26, 2021 (Image: NASA Earth Observatory)
From water carriers to water entrepreneurs
Women become active leaders in the iJal value chain
iJal bridged the gender gap through economic empowerment and reduced the water collection drudgery for women (Image: Safe Water Network)
Challenges in planning faecal sludge management systems
Containment design and construction deviations from norms impact sanitation chain
Empty faecal sludge drying bed (Image: Lars Schoebitz; Flickr Commons)
Second wave, new challenges: Civil society on the frontlines
How community radio is helping in times of COVID
Involved in COVID relief (Image: SM Sehgal Foundation)
Investing in “local water professionals” for the country’s water security
India needs water professionals to manage its water resources locally to be water secure. This needs focus and investment. Now.
Frontline workers get trained and acquire invaluable skills in the process of fulfilling their roles within one or multiple programs
Crop diversification to address the water crisis in Punjab
While borewells and aggressive irrigation practices continue to suck Punjab dry, can crop diversification rescue the state from turning into a desert?
Unsustainable agricultural practices in Punjab (Image Source: IWP flickr photos)
Protecting India from maritime disasters
The Arabian Sea is also turning into a hotbed of cyclonic storms
Cyclone Tauktae intensified into an ‘extremely severe cyclonic storm’ and made a landfall on coastal Gujarat leaving a trail of destruction behind. (Image: Wikimedia Commons)
Support mechanism needed to halt mass reverse migration
Reverse migration amidst the second wave of COVID-19
Stranded migrant workers during lockdown because of COVID-19 pandemic in Delhi (Image: Sumita Roy Dutta, Wikimedia Commons)