Multi-purpose cyclone shelters in India
A study finds if multi-purpose cyclone shelters within the neighbourhood are considered safe for cyclone evacuation.
The Panchayati Raj and Drinking Water Department  looks into the repairing of cyclone and flood shelters across Odisha (Image: Odisha TV)
Professor Brij Gopal, a tireless advocate of India’s rivers!
Professor Brij Gopal, a tireless advocate of India’s rivers passed away in Delhi last week. We, at the India Water Portal are extremely saddened by this news.
River Ken in Madhya Pradesh (Image Source: Shivamd2d via Wikimedia Commons)
Budget 2021: What does it have for the water and agriculture sector
The allocation in the water and agriculture sector is inadequate to deal with the sectoral challenges.
India’s water resources are getting degraded day by day, be it rivers, streams, lakes, ponds, springs or aquifers but the budget’s focus continues to be source management while neglecting the resource. (Image: PixaBay)
How does a rainbow form?
Here is a short video that explains the formation of a rainbow, the order of its colors, and where and how the rainbow appears.
Why doesn't water has its own color?
Here is a short video explaining why water has no color and why the color of seawater appears blue.
Bengaluru lakes, in crisis!
Urban wetlands are increasingly under threat in cities such as Bengaluru! Community participation and better planning, management and monitoring of urban spaces is the need of the hour!
Ulsoor lake, Bengaluru (Image Source: Subhashish Panigrahi via Wikimedia Commons)
Economic survey 2020-21: Some highlights
The economic survey recommends integration of agriculture with nutritional outcomes
The Economic Survey 2021 pushes for urgent reforms in production and post production in agriculture (Image: PixaHive)
Budget 2021: Will agriculture sector get a boost?
Solutions are needed that will increase productivity while maintaining sustainability
The government could consider a shift from the price support system to an income support system. PM-KISAN is a step in that direction, but the assistance under that is lacking. (Image: Wikimedia Commons)
Budget 2021: Cash transfer and urban employment guarantee can help blunt the economic blow
Expand Rs 500 per month cash transfer to poor non-farmer and urban households: Prof Santosh Mehrotra
There should be an increased expenditure in infrastructure to create jobs in the construction sector. (Image: PxHere)
Breathing life into the dying rivers of Pune!
Jeevitnadi continues with its mission to breathe life into Pune’s rivers and has been awarded the prestigious Bhagirath Prayas Samman 2020 this year!
Mutha, the lifeline of Pune city (Image Source: India Water Portal)
Ganga's cure lies in people's will for a change
Healing the Ganga can start in your kitchen, says Bidisha Banerjee, whose new book explores the faith and the science that define the river, and what it will take to save it.
Ganga river at Bithoor (Source: IWP Flickr Photos)
Budget 2021: Policy measures in the nutrition sector
Nutrition interventions need to be strengthened to protect people already at the margin of subsistence.
Children eating their mid-day meal at a worksite school in Andhra Pradesh (Image: ILO Asia Pacific, Flickr Commons, CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)
Natural resource management through a gender lens
Need to recognise women, the cogs in the feminisation of Indian agriculture
In incorporating female participation, some programmes only added (futile) burden on these women without challenging the current division of labour. (Image: Wikimedia Commons)
Cereals drain India dry
A study on virtual water flows in interstate trade of cereals in India shows that cereals are rapidly draining the states that have the most critical levels of groundwater.
Cereals and millets at a bazaar in Nizampet, Hyderabad (Image Source: Aditya Madhav, CC BY-SA 3.0, Wikimedia Commons)
Ecosystem-based approach: The case of Meghalaya
Multilateral action needed for a green post-COVID-19 recovery.
A living root bridge, a type of simple suspension bridge formed of living plant roots by tree shaping in village Nongriat, Meghalaya (Image: Wikimedia Commons)
India faced with the onslaught of rising temperature
Climate change induced disasters can cause disruption to human well being and the ecosystem.
2020 was one of the warmest years in India despite La Nina which typically has a cooling effect on global temperatures.(Image: Tumisu, Pixabay)
Unsafe drinking water burdens urban poor
While urban poor in Delhi are forced to access water from informal sources, this water is highly contaminated posing multiple risks to health.
Safe drinking water, a valuable resource  (Image Source: IWP Flickr photos)
75% districts and half of India’s population vulnerable to extreme climate events: CEEW study
The study found a shift in the pattern of extreme events in over 40% of Indian districts.
India is already the fifth most vulnerable country globally in terms of extreme climate events and it is all set to become the world’s flood capital (Image: Geralt, Pixabay license)
2020: Crammed in disasters, yet filled with hope
Last year was shrouded with a myriad of disasters but all was not bad. There were many success stories and great efforts in the water sector that maintained our hopes for a better tomorrow.
All was not negative for 2020 in the water sector as many states and districts gained credit for themselves (Image Source: IWP Flickr Album)
The invisible face of agriculture
Women farmers need support in the form of resources, technologies, policies and other actions to level the farming field. The first step is to recognise their role in farming.
Though women are involved in economic activities of the cropping system but their role is negligible in household decision making and participation (Image: PxHere)