Poisonous encounters: Nitrate contamination of groundwater in Rajasthan
This study from Rajasthan found that anthropogenic factors led to nitrate contamination of groundwater. High nitrate levels in drinking water posed major health risks to children.
A well in Rajasthan (Image Source: IWP Flickr photos)
Reviving traditional water harvesting structures
A CSO-led holistic tank rehabilitation initiative launched in 2017 to restore the Chandela and Bundela tanks to their ancient glory
Kishanpura tank, Tikamgarh district, Madhya Pradesh (Image: Strategy document BIWAL)
Gender-sensitive water management: A cornerstone for equitable outcomes
Need to place "gender" at the centre of both international and national water and sanitation agenda
Women fetching water in Rajasthan (Image: Wikimedia Commons)
Study indicates no uranium in Kerala’s drinking water
MG University conducted the analyses of water sources across the state
Drinking water sources can be contaminated with uranium to an extent by certain anthropogenic activities (Image: Pxfuel)
Mobilising communities against encroachment of water bodies
Pushing urban local governments to take adequate steps to protect water bodies
Tapan Dighi (Image: Tapan Dighi Bachao Facebook Page)
Proactive action on green cooling to deal with the climate crisis
India’s decision to ratify the Kigali Amendment to the Montreal Protocol is a milestone in green cooling and will contribute significantly to climate action, says iFOREST
Edited NASA PR image showing the ozone hole for 2014 over the south pole. Red is bad, blue is good, e.g., red means not as much ozone as blue. (Image: Stuart Rankin; CC BY-NC 2.0)
Equipping communities to plan land and water conservation initiatives
Use of digital tools for implementing natural resources management at scale in rural India
Digital planning tools like CLART can go a long way in achieving better land-use outcomes (Image: Foundation for Ecological Security)
Urban inequalities and heat risks in Delhi
Delhi, the largest urban agglomeration in the country is predicted to experience episodes of extreme heat in the years to come. What are its implications for vulnerable populations in the city?
An aerial view of Delhi, August 2016. (Image Source: Sumita Roy Dutta via Wikimedia Commons, CC BY-SA 4.0)
Barriers to organic farming: Experience of Kansari Organics
Government needs to switch subsidies and investments from chemical agriculture to the promotion of sustainable agriculture
 A farmer harvests the season's cauliflower crop near Kullu town, Himachal Pradesh (Image: Neil Palmer, CIAT; Wikimedia Commons)
Nainital’s water woes: Every drop of rain counts
Nainital, a burgeoning hill town with a huge growing population is faced with water supply issues. Adoption of the practice of rainwater harvesting can lead to a paradigm shift towards better utilisation of the town’s natural water resources.
Naini lake, a natural freshwater body, quenches the thirst of the town (Image: Sanjay Bora)
How kitchen gardens pick up pace in a rural MP village
Championing community mobilisation for the conservation of water resources
Sagni Bai works on promoting kitchen gardens and water conservation which are doing wonders in this remote MP village (Image: FES)
Best practices in IEC-HRD to engage rural communities based on JJM - Karnataka experience
A summary of conversations with Mr. Parameshwar Hegde, Director (ISA), Rural Drinking Water and Sanitation Department, Government of Karnataka
At the district level, Karnataka has engaged Implementation Support Agencies (ISA) who are involved in IEC
IPCC: Net zero plans needed if we are to stop warming
A 1.5 degree celsius warming is likely even before 2040. IPCC report calls for immediate cuts on global greenhouse gas emissions.
India will face irreversible impacts of climate crisis, says IPCC report (Image: Pixabay)
Empowering women to be water stewards
Women work on demystifying technologies in a remote Rajasthan village
Gayatri's efforts helped women get together and work on water management for the well being of a community (Image: Foundation for Ecological Security)
Biodiversity - crucial for survival of freshwater ecosystems!
Detritivores, scavenger organisms inhabiting freshwater bodies such as streams are crucial for the survival of water bodies. However, anthropogenic changes are killing them!
View of a s stream in Kerala (Image Source: Firos AK via Wikimedia Commons)
Report identifies 15 high-potential actions for cities to adapt to climate risks
Cities need to identify the most promising systemic and hazard-specific actions
Cities are a key contributor to climate change and are responsible for 75 percent of global CO2 emissions (Image: The Digital Artist, Pixabay)